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Everything posted by Charliewz

  1. Thanks a lot for the tips. Tried it yesterday and like the way it works. I did two pieces to test. I used Fiebings hi-liter and Eco-Flo gel, they both came out about the same after resisting (Satin Sheen) the whole piece. The piece on the right is hi-liter and gel antique on the left. Both are Saddle Tan. Have to figure out how much resist to put on to get background darker. Just experiment to see if I can use less. Now off to practice more, to get it where I want it. thanks for all your help, Charlie Guess I should re-size the pics first. Will next time.
  2. Awesome work. Love it. How do you get that color? I try and try and can't get the foreground color like that, and it is what I have been striving for a long time. Charlie
  3. Thanks Dwight, I am planning on making a black belt and will use this as a tutorial. Will be my first belt. You guys on here are soooo helpful. Charlie
  4. I like Ott lamps from Office Depot. They are great natural light lamps. Charlie
  5. Wow! Wish my first belt came out that good. Just finished it today . Now it doesn't look so good. Good work. Charlie
  6. Thanks for the info Tracy, I have been going to try oxalic acid and now I will try Barkeepers friend, sounds good to me. Charlie
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