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About brycew74

  • Birthday 07/03/1991

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Horse Tack
  • Interested in learning about
    Tooling and Braiding

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  1. Do you still have this machine available?
  2. nope not for a lefty, it has what is called a crossover rope strap, its the most popular option in this area among the working cowboys
  3. thanks for all the advice guys I really appreciate it. The devil is really in the details and your critiques do help a lot.
  4. Thanks for the input Randy. You noticed the same things I don't really like about this saddle I think it would look a lot cleaner of the front and rear jockeys were lined up better and the seat jockey was cut more full to the front. Thanks Bryce
  5. comnents and critiques welcome
  6. brycew74

    Tipmann Boss

    Looking to buy a used boss stitcher at a reasonable price, thanks, Bryce
  7. Fireworks, I am interested in buying your machine would you please contact me, my email is brycew74@gmail.com or you can call or text me at (208) 650-1021 thanks
  8. What are everyones thoughts on using a limed hide for braiding a rope?
  9. For most of my hides i cut the whole thing in to 10 or 12 inch circles, for a couple reasons. 1. I get more consistent string depth as mentioned above. 2. You can store a whole lot of rawhide cut u that way in a rubbermaid tub with a few extra air holes in it to keep moisture from building up so if space happens to be a factor for you as it was for me for a long time this really helps. Bryce
  10. My opinion for what it is worth would be to find a young custom maker that is trying to build their reputation, you should be able to find someone that would build you a Roughout that fits in your budget, i would sooner ride a plain handmade saddle than a tooled up factory rig
  11. if you find the lime method does not work for you you can also streach the hide with the hair on and scrape it with a knife or sprinkle dry ashes on the hair side and scrape the hair off with a stick, these are my prefered methods
  12. Google Navajo knitting needles that's what my fiance uses
  13. Opinions on where the rigging goes on over or under the swell cover I've seen it done both ways what are your thoughts?
  14. Montana horseman saddlemakeing school in Belgrade Montana has a 6 week course that I think a few members of this forum have been to they also have a really good website
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