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About Sylvia

  • Rank
    Leatherworker.net Regular
  • Birthday October 18

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    helping and getting told off usually. <sigh>
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All too often, people think their biting words are merely opinions, not realizing that in actuality their words are hurtful or libel statements. Please take a moment to really read what you've said in your posts with an eye on how another might interpret your musings. Do you sound like a jerk? Then perhaps you need to rewrite it and be a little more kind.

I've been here a few months now and have been absolutely horrified by the "holier than thou jackasses" who think their knowledge is far too precious to waste on us lowly novices. Do I mean YOU? Perhaps... perhaps not. However, I do invite you to assess your own critiques and see if there is a better way to convey your "knowledge" and hopefully you'll in the process avoid being viewed as a jerk.

To properly critique: (The sandwich technique)

1. Find something you like or admire about the person or item you are critiquing. Is the Novice ambitious? Say so and say it nicely.

2 Move on to things they can improve. Now this does NOT mean you can say their work is total crap... that they should buy better leather... or what ever your favorite "you should do" thing is. It means you simply and NICELY say "I notice you've had some trouble with.... you might want to try....etc.

3. Praise the effort. Let the person know that he or she is not alone in their learning journey. YOU didn't learn this stuff over night... neither will the novice. So get of your damned high horse.... remember that and show compassion to the student.

4. Finally, Thank them for sharing and ask to see more. (That is only good manners and encourages the student to show more.)

Why did I write this? Because I've not only been subjected to some of your crabby attitudes, but I have seen new people arrive and disappear after some particularly poorly done critiques and comments from some of you. :eusa_naughty:Quit it. I mean.... wtf.gif ..... I'm sure your Momma would have smacked you upside your arrogant head had she known you are treating others this way.

If you are cranky... Please do not post until you are in a better mood. Or don't post at all... this is a place of learning and teaching ... not a place to abuse or be mean to another.

Thank you for reading.....

Some have asked me why I am not on LW as much as I used to be. The simple answer is I got so disgusted with the elitist attitude I see amongst some of the members here.

I look for and collect PDF files of old out of copyright books.

I've decided to post links to them here as I find them.

Book: Circa 1904. "Leather Working" http://ia700408.us.a...rking00hasl.pdf

Leather Links I use:

http://www.blackriverlaser.com ~ high quality inexpensive acrylic templates. LW members get a discount just be sure to mention "leatherworker.net"

http://www.justleather.com/ ~ don't know much about these folks but they have some awesome leathers.

http://www.dharmatrading.com ~ Great source for leather paints and Angelus Leather Dye. New customers get a free gift with their first purchase (It's on the home page) Accepts Paypal

http://www.stecksstore.com ~ Carries much of what Tandy does and then some. Fair pricing and inexpensive shipping. Accepts Paypal

http://www.kingsmere....com/index.html ~ fun site with lots of how to stuff.

http://conchos.com/bs99srstsifi1.html ~ Nice site with oodles of cool conchos, buckles and more. Accepts Paypal

http://www.shoeshine...yes.asp#lincoln ~ a good place for dyes and leather paints. They carry several brands including Angelus and Fiebings as well as others. They even have leather paints in kits so you save more for the standard colors. Accepts paypal

http://www.brettunsvillage.com ~ A good place for leather that isn't for tooling. These people buy odd lots so the inventory varies, Check back often as the inventory changes. The site is a little amateurish but they have a great sense of humor and Everything ships free to the contiguous 48. None of this "square foot" and you don't know what you'll pay garbage... one price shipped. Check out their hardware and tool sections too.

http://saddlemakers.org/id130.htm ~ A good list of tool makers most with phone numbers a few with websites.

http://www.seamlyne....twear_index.asp The leather Ren-boot, moccasin tutorial.

Leather Recipes:

http://www.oocities....eathersoap.html : Recipes for saddles soaps.

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