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Everything posted by Sylvia

  1. ROFLMAO! Yeah, I think that might be prudent.
  2. This is what I like about you Thrasher. You understand how some people need to learn. Some folks can learn through reading, others have to work through the process. Still others have to see the process done a couple times before they understand. At one time they called the latter two "hands on learners" and "visual learners" (and usually they had some sort of attention deficit) Rare is the mentor and friend who recognizes that mistakes need to be made in order to learn.
  3. Leather working is a lot like any other specialty. Attach "leathercraft" to it and whoa the price is insane! First go get this coupon code.... Tandy posts them at retailmenot.com here's one for $10 of any order. 1kRet-CR-11 Next join the club. Trust me the $35 is nothing compared to the shipping you'll pay buying here and there. It's good for a year and it's already paid for itself in my case... and I like you THOUGHT this was "just a hobby" I'm working on my first commissioned guitar strap right now. (never say never) Now, there are special sales exclusively for Tandy Club members... I got $5 off anything $5 or more on leatherlibrary.com I had been eyeballing an ebook but was reluctant to spend the $5. Have fun with your new "hobby" S
  4. I was looking for more information on Hermann Oak Leather and I found this PDF that says that Effective Feb 1 2012, the cost of hides will increase by 2% or $3.00 per side http://www.hermannoa...rice_Letter.pdf We have 2 days to order. Thought everyone should know.
  5. Sounds like he wants something like a weaved whip handle. Maybe this video will help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QrxNdwejGw
  6. Happy Accidents... or "Art of the Mistake." I am very familiar with that too.
  7. I bet a carpet tube or vinyl flooring tube from home depot or similar place and a hack saw would make a nice tube to store leather in.
  8. LOL Now I didn't give you that recipe so you could go giving it to everyone! he he he. Seriously though I am curious as to how that works.
  9. LOL I liked the recipes for "womens troubles" containing "white lead" What the?
  10. You can also get it from his .com shop. http://www.stecksstore.com/servlet/the-2662/Light%2C-Brown%2C-Fiebing%27s%2C-Fiebings%2C/Detail Might be better to talk to him through there too. I've bought from stecks a few times too. Good people and fast ship. Of course I don't live half way round the world from him... but still he gets things out fast.
  11. Ferg, I hacked nothing. I used the search feature on Look inside. Nothing more. I downloaded nothing, I broke into nothing, I stole nothing.
  12. It depends on the welder and his tools. A wire welder may be able to do it if he can dial down the heat. It couldn't hurt to ask. The worst answer is "Nope"... right? So this is a really realy small hole..... like one for a watch band? Maybe you can talk to your local "working" jewelry or watch repair guy and see if he or she has a source for these small punches.
  13. No one calls me a thief and gets away with it. NO ONE! I am perfectly fine using this method otherwise I would not have shared.
  14. This isn't so much of an opinion but blatant statement implying that anyone that use this method, IS A THIEF. I don't copy these online sources, I read them as best I can and put them in a wish list for future purchases if appropriate to my needs. This is no different than going to a Barns and Nobel store and reading several chapters of a book before deciding to buy. I am not a thief and I do believe in copyright laws. It is extremely insulting to me that you even implied that I am a thief...so yes I used your "name" and used a little ARTISTIC LICENSE and made it a bit more appropriate to your comment.
  15. Ok, here you go. I searched "Vintage Sargent Hole Punch" and found this deal on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-VINTAGE-SARGENT-BERNARD-SPRING-PUNCH-LEATHER-PLIERS-/140519509355 Not exactly $3 but You get the rotary one too to have as a back up. There is also this one. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Sargent-and-Co-leather-hole-punch-hand-tool-Made-is-USA-6-sizes_W0QQitemZ160714652714QQcmdZViewItemQQssPageNameZRSS:B:SRCH:US:101 Hope one of these work for you. BTW, have you considered having the punch you have brazed or welded back and resharpened?
  16. That is a pretty ambitious project. I found a link to the jacket here. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/6321630 I would probably use the 3.5 oz but before I even cut that out I would make the jacket out of canvas so you can get familiar with the construction techniques. Making darts can be a challenge and to make matters worse patterns measurements of the patterns don't always fit correctly. If you make the prototype from canvas you'll be better able to know what kind of adjustments you will need to make it fit and be prepared for sewing the suede. I would love to see how it turns out.
  17. Hi Brian http://technicalconnectionsinc.stores.yahoo.net/saheduhopu.html http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Sargent-1406S-Cable-Hole-Punch-1-4-Bullet-Bonds-/380400518296?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5891a34498 about what size is the punch?
  18. GRRRRR.... How dare you? This is not stealing. It's using a service to MY advantage... jackass.
  19. You would think that would be a great thing. I live approximately 405 meters from my county library. But to get a Library card, they want $55 per person. And they people there are snots. When I was studying for school, I didn't have time to go and deal with attitudes, so I learned this technique out of desperation.
  20. I think the thought was good but sometimes things just don't look as good in real life as we imagine them. LOL I know you have some limitations so I would try a heavier mallet. Sometimes I use a Dead Blow hammer. I weights about 12-16 oz (or more) and It really does some persuading.
  21. Hi CC I like the idea, but I think I agree with TreeReaper about the bling eyes. Reminds me of "Spawn of Diablo" or something. Is it possible for you to impress the horses deeper? I would like to see more detail in the horses and less background. Pretty colors and some bling would make these very cool (might even end up as a hat band! Syl
  22. What do you use as a "dye" K? Because I used fiebings over Super Sheen and got a very interesting shade of turd muckaldy dunn (gross taupe) I think the Hi-lights work ok with Super Sheen but not Fieblings dyes.
  23. The ones in Tandy's basic knives are about 3/8" wide straight blade and Thick The one on the Tandy Deluxe Knive (comes in the Deluxe kit) Are 3/8" much thinner. Tandy tends to send the straight blades rather than angled ones. Hope that helps. Also if you have issues with your hands cramping go for a thicker barrel. But honestly, Call Barry or Brad, Very personable folks there. Takes a few days for them to ship but I am sure it's worth it. (Tell them Sylvia from Idaho sent you)
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