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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. I'm thinking about showing someone at a leather bench, and the background can be the thoughts of finished and future projects in my head, LOL and then the closer can be the tools in the crate holder, and then closer than that can be other tools spread out on the desktop I put on my bench, and then I guess me hunched over a piece of leather would be the closest. Because that's how my summer has gone so far this year. But that would be hard perspective with all that 'close' LOL.

  2. I would subtitle my name if I were honest with 'Accident in the Making.' I recently started out to make a lizard underlay snake guitar strap with the wide strap being dark, the narrow natural, and the lizard brown. It then changed to a lizard overlay snake so I could try and not mess up the strap with the cut. Then it went to an ostrich body leather in light brown because lizard is too delicate for an overlay really. When I messed up the edges on that it became a dark brown/black snake. When I messed up the edging on the oblong hole in the small strap it became dark. When the vinegaroon rubbed off on the wide strap from my oblong template I made I first dyed it natural tan using very watered down dark cocoa, but it just looked dirty so I dyed it regular tan watered down some. I'm getting ready to sew the backing on and if I mess it up, it will become laced. All I can think is, 'what if this was a custom order?' I think I'll take that part off my website and replace it with, 'you can buy what I end up with if you want.'

    I may not be good yet, and don't expect to ever be great but I can adapt so maybe I could add that too my name. Custom adapted leather work/craft/art/now pay me.

    Still I've enjoyed what everyone has shared on here, just hope the poor person that started the thread didn't decide to leave leather working completely and move on to something easier to identify. I think it's interesting how we can all use the same tools and raw materials yet have such different and interesting opinions of what it is exactly we do. I think I'll stick to leather mangler, shorter and easier to remember. Cheryl

  3. Dale, I heard every word. There is a difference though, the brass buckles made in China you'll be able to read a newspaper through.

    I can only recommend Jeremiah Watt to you, I love the buckles I got from him, until someone told me he outsourced them. But they're beautiful and really well made.....somewhere.


    Hope this helps, Cheryl

  4. DoubleC you make a very valid point. I've done a considerable amount of sewing on these seats with my lil o'Brother machine. I'm actually amazing myself at what I've been able to do. It's just the dang nab corners. I can't get the lift I need out of my walking foot. And I'm done trying. I'm working on the cushions for the bed and the curtains now, have resolved myself to "gonna have to wait until I find the right tool for the project".

    I'm gonna contact you off list to talk about machines. My hang-up is shipping. I'm on such a tight budget, that I'm afraid if I pay you a fair price for the machine, the shipping is going to be over the top. That's why I'm scouring my 'local' craigslist. "Local" in quotes, because I'm actually looking as far as 5 hours away from home. I've only found one shop local and when I talked with him, really nice guy btw, he buys used 'junk' and refurbishes them and is at least 4 months out... ugh.

    I'm posting this and contacting an administrator about the email snafu. I've never posted on a blog or forum before I and I'm caulking this up to "lesson learned".

    I wouldn't have thought about the email thing either. And I wasn't kidding about Wizcrafts. He has a 15-91 at a very reasonable price. And I would help in any way I can, try and find you someone closer, etc. I practically live here and this is the last place I would take advantage of someone, not that I would anyway. The main thin is to see you get a machine you can use and at a price you can afford, especially since you're just thinking about this one job primarily. None of that post was intended as anything but to be funny, and also to tell you about some options.

    I live in VT. and shipped one of these to CA. for $35.00. And I've had enough broken by the PO to wrap it so it gets there in one piece. But if the 111W or even the slower speed will do you better then we just need to figure out how to get you one of those where you live. Cheryl

  5. Well I wasn't one of the spammers, LOL. Anyway just sewed this up in about 5 minutes on my non-industrial, and I think someone called it a 'pretty toy' machine rofl.gif 3 layers, 5oz, 3oz, and elk hide. I forgot to tell my Lucky he can't sew leather so he keeps on doing it. Now if my stropped scissors could cut those layers a little better.

    BTW I'm not trying to sell you a machine.....Wizcrafts has one with the motor that will slow down and asking a more reasona ble price than even I would, and I'm a very reasonable person. Seriously, it is too bad about your email :-( Cheryl

  6. Oh Hazy, I'm sorry I missed somehow that edge kote had to be used on that type of leather. I'm not familiar with all the ends and outs of different leathers yet. I have no idea what neat lac is, resolene won't go over the edge kote effectively? And I'll assume you can't get that either for some reason, a friend of mine just reminded me after I posted here that mop and glo (or shine, dag, what is that stuff called) the all in one application that cleans and shines can be used in place of resolene. None of that? OK, then I go ahead and try a small bottle of lacquer from your hardware store (going from the neat 'lac') and test it. If it doesn't work you can always use it on your furniture I guess? Cheryl

  7. OK I can see you need to work some on your painting, but overall I think they are excellent. And the perspective you got on Spidey is great, really pops to me. So really your frustration is more with time and the expense?

    There are a lot of small things you could make and try to sell, your patches for instance that would give you more money for supplies. Time I can't really help with Capn. You'll have to figure that one out, sorry. Cheryl

  8. I use Bobby's method to a certain point. I sand the leather, saddle soap the edge good, burnish with canvas, dye it with any dark dye, don't use an anything special for the edges, burnish that with denim, redo if there are light spots, then just use my regular finish on it. Leather Sheen, resolene, whatever I happen to grab off the shelf. I prefer resolene, but I usually save that for things someone else is getting because I'm low and haven't reordered. I used to add it to my acrylics when I was thinning them, so don't know why you couldn't thin it with the edge kote. I wouldn't use a wood product on leather and find out 6 months from now it cracked. Had that happen when I used a clear glue on inlaid rhinestones, and 6 months later the finish was cracking and rhinestones raining down. Cheryl

  9. Oh, well money is a big frustration, I can understand that, as can a lot of folk. Time, another. I get mad if I'm working on something and have to leave for an appt. or something so it must be very hard with your siblings around. I will get to the end of a project and find I only have 2 Chicago screws and need three, or brown thread and need black, little things but expensive when added up and frustrating when you want to finish. I think we'd still like to see what you've done, I think Luke had a good suggestion.

  10. Capnmeow, right now I'm cutting out a snake for an overlay I'm going to do. Unfortunately it looks more like triangles connected by a snake head. Cutting, no matter what the tool, I can't do well. I know that. But I'm not really getting frustrated because I know I can hide some of my errors with the ostrich overlay, and others with sewing. I also know I'm not going to do another snake overlay or inlay. This is my first guitar strap and I know it's not going to be perfect no matter how hard I try. But I'm going to learn a lot on this one and I'm going to do the very best job I can. I'm never going to be good at cutting, just better than I am now. I think frustration can be caused by a lot of things, doing hard things when you're tired, and expecting too much out of yourself. The important decision I think you have to make is whether you are still enjoying your work on leather. If I didn't still love it and look forward to it, I would quit. Other wise, frustration is just part of life and you take it along with the ooooohs you get when someone sees your work locally. IMHO Cheryl

  11. If I was doing that project I would use my 15-91 which is fast and powerful but doesn't do 5000 stitches a minute. It has a gear driven potted motor so no belt to slip etc. The next day you can sew silk with it after changing the tension. It will use up to #69 nylon thread, and I can't say enough about these machines. If where it needs to walk over the seam is 1/4th inch or less, it won't even cough. Since you already sew your learning curve wouldn't be as big as mine was, can take the 50's and older Singers apart and put them back together about as quick as most people can straight stitch a pair of curtains but sewing? Not so much. They don't need a case or cabinet to sit in, to me they truly are the cream of the Singer crop.

    I have 3 of the newer ones coming this week and could sell you one of them. If you PM or contact me at canncrossan@myfairpoint.net I can tell you all the different prices for different options, but for a straight machine, I can beat the prices you've been given, and it will still be running when your brother is gasping. It also has the feed dog drop. You can ask Wizcraft about these, they would work great on upholstery. But whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck Althea. Cheryl

  12. Hello DoubleC,

    Do you still have the extra Singer 15-91? I am looking to start making my own ammo pouches and knife sheaths and am looking for a machine to do it.


    Hi Rowan. I sent you a PM with all the options I have available on some 15-91s, with or without cases, with or without cabinets, etc. I have three coming in this week. Thanks, Cheryl

  13. I've done overlay like this before and the lacing done on this is very basic. I could make you one, two or a dozen if you want. PM me on here. A recent bridle I did with a lizard overlay eye and a Mexican basketweave braid is attached. Or you can email me at canncrossan@myfairpoint.net. This is braided with kangaroo lace which is expensive, but the best made. It can also be done with calf. Thanks Cheryl

  14. LOL, Michael. You are right though, guy was trying to pick out a name and we were talking about a place vs. the person doing it. If a leather worker is someone who has the tools, and at least a corner dedicated to the work, then I'm a number one leather mangler. I just rearranged (still not finished, why is organizing so hard) my bedroom to make as much space for the work as possible. I have an industrial metal desk, desktop, cabinet, and two sets of shelves dedicated to the leather side. On the other I have the sewing machine, a desk with material, and sewing 'stuff' along with finishing stuff for my leather work (roo lace, etc.). For me in this bedroom, I uh have a twin bed and nightstand :-) I'm thinking of moving it out and sleeping on the LR floor to make more room for the leather and sewing stuff. Not really but I could sue about three closets in here (have none, old Victorian house converted to apts.) Oh the leather has an end table too with my molding things on it. I am saving a corner (hard to believe I have one left, I know) to pile boxes of things I need to sort through and gonna call that my little shop of Horror (so much that's gotten mixed together it is horrifying). Cheryl

  15. I agree with mlapaglia, Tandy gets written off a little quick. I am still using the Tandy 6 I started with except for the beveler. It has everything you need to do floral with a swivel knife. And by 20 tools, I don't think after 6 months I have that many unless you branch out into strap cutters, end cutters, punches, skivers, edge bevelers, etc. and so on. And you really don't need all that to start. Tandy 6 and a swivel knife will start you because there is a little bit of a learning curve involved in leather work :-) Best to do some work and then decide what tools to branch out to. Cheryl

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