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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Well, I think I finally have something to show off. the last 2 months have been a real blast. Thanks for all the help here. I have a 3" Veg Tan 8/9 oz., tatooed with basket weave and a cam border, backed with 2/3 oz. Got the hardware from Tandy today. Finish is Oil, Med Brwon Antique, Neatlac. Straps are Dark brown dye and Neatlac. Used Bob Park for the tutorial on edges. Added a touch, Lower loop to hold the cord out of the way. The other guest in the photo are my 1955 Gibson Les Paul Jr. and my own, hand wired ,hand built Fullertone tube amp. This combo rocks. Critiques as always.



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    Beautiful job Jon! Cheryl

  2. I think Tandy's kit would be a good place to start, and they're having a sale right now, although I don't know on what. Also WC, one of our members sells Tandy stuff so I get all my stuff from him now, support a small business, etc. His shop is www.standingbearstradingpost.com I do some horse things, and made a dog leash for a friend of mine, and hope to do tack later on, but I'm having too much fun doing what I'm doing right now to focus on that. If I see something on here that looks intriguing, I try and make it. usually doesn't work out but it's fun and I learn a lot. And I also keep up with my rhythm beads and 'Mare's Stare' which are products I'm selling by doing it that way. I've had a lot of help on here getting what I need to do some work, and you'll find people are willing to answer all your questions! But think about the fact it's an expensive hobby.....and addicting. If you start you probably won't quit until you own a mall sized work area rofl.gif

  3. I've had a couple horse people ask me about these and i thought I'd explain what they are and show you the ones I have for sale currently. I also do custom orders. These really ought to be called rhythm bells because they are used by riding instructors to help their students hear along with 'feel' when they are out of rhythm with their horse. They are used with eventers such as barrel racers to 'hear' when a horse makes a wide turn, and help with areas to work on. Dressage riders use these frequently because that is such a precise sport. Trail riders are also starting to use these to 'warn' small critters they are coming so you don't get that adrenalin rush of a rabbit jumping right, your horse jumping left, and you somewhere in the middle.

    This first one I made will always be one of a kind. I used a good braided English rein, conditioned it, and repeated the same rainbow patter all the way around. Putting two pieces of leather thong through a pony bead is hard, this took forever, so this one is not a consideration for a custom order, well unless you want to pay a lot more :-) These are all handmade, and not the cheap cheesy things you see on the net, all of them are on a backing. All of them, including custom orders are $35.00 plus $5.00 for shipping priority mail.

    I have the rainbow set on leather, a set with round rawhide braiding on ANOTHER English rein with just a few blue beads, and a yellow set I just made with a 5/8ths tapestry trim backing. These are so light I don't think any horse would mind them. The braid trim has so many colors in it, I'm going to do more sets in just one color, blue, green, etc.

    PM me if you'd like a custom set. They don't cost anymore just allows you to pick out the colors, or not have beads if you prefer. I'm only set up to take paypal at this point. Thanks, Cheryl

  4. You're just looking for someone to cut and sew them? I have all the equipment necessary and a template for the holes. I would do the first one for $10.00 if you are supplying the materials and shipping. Could do that in a day's turnaround, then we could go from there if you like the belt. Cheryl

  5. Hi Burn. I sent you a pm with my email, I just made one of these for a rope halter which I laced a back on after tooling the front. I can help you if you want, from the way I did it. Because you really need a back if it's rope, a regular one you can just sew on. Have example here and picture I drew it from.

  6. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. It looks like you've made some progress on it. Looking good.

    Oh don't apologize. I still have my very first on I tried to make that looks like a deformed microbe. I like the reminder of where I've been and rwhere things are now. Cheryl

  7. Check out "Carving Horses" under the figure carving heading. There's a tutorial on carving horse eyes there.

    Hi Yaklady. Thanks. This is rather an old thread and things have come a way since then, but that doesn't mean I won't check it out. I'm always looking to improve. Kevin (Tree Reaper) took my best one and made a mold for me. This is how 'we're' looking these days

  8. Cheryl those two post are of DUMBEST, SMART A#$ unnecessory post i have seen in a long time ! Best i remember nobody said anything smart to you about your rambling on and on fixing a display board and then about redoing furniture.

    Maybe he was serious and maybe not. Either way i don't think what you wrote was right.

    I agree John and I've already apologized to Art for them. I'd delete them if I could.

  9. I am wondering if there has been some scientific research and studies on the subject: Can a cow feel happiness and What makes a cow happy and how can you tell ?

    Just a thought / Knut

    Knut, i think to research that you'd need something more objective and quantitative first. You could measure behaviors but that doesn't necessarily mean the cow was happy. It would even be hard to measure treatment/mistreatment. Are you mistreating a dairy cow if you're an hour late in milking? Does the cow feel mistreated? I was recently at a farm north of here for about a month, and if you hit the barn after 7:30, the cow, goats, minis, ducklings, horses, etc. were all hollering for breakfast. (well the baby ducks usually water). Were they unhappy? If I sleep late my dog does that...but she is so happy ACTING that she looks like she's smiling and singing most of the time. I just don't know what you would measure, I swear I don't.

  10. Hi Cheryl,

    Miso was probably sincere and not pulling our legs. Some folks just don't know the plain hard facts or animal husbandry. I guess some can wish that cattle are treated fairly, but they are big animals that can treat someone quite unfairly if they so wish. Today, some grow up in a world where they don't know where things come from or don't know how they get there, sometimes it is a shock when they find out.


    yes I suppose you are right. fortunately you knew of that Kalamazoo tribe that raises them to rigid guidelines. Cheryl (before I wet my pants)

  11. i was kind of hoppenig that someone knows a website where i can order it and not go trough the whole proces


    So you kinda just want to be TOLD they were happy before someone smacked them between the eyes, stunned them and cut their throat while they were still alive? I can do that....Springfield has some killer deals on happy cows, actually we have a whole list of suppliers that can provide you with happy hides rofl.gif

    Oh and sort the happy ones just for you so you don't have to do anything special rofl.gifrofl.gif

    Art get me outta here before i get in trouble, beam me up. Cheryl

  12. I use a lot of Tandy products. Not their leather though because there are other options (how many places can ya get eco-flo or water based products?) because I will quit leatherworking altogether before i buy Chinese leather. I don't understand them, have to be the biggest leather supply company in the US and not one USA product?

  13. I need to paint my daughter's boots to match her electric blue show chaps. Any suggestions on treating and preparing boots to take paint better, and which paints are recommended. The boots are a medium brown Anderson Beans, was intending to mask off the soles and use some sort of spray paint. I am not expecting perfection and heavy use, she'll just be wearing during horse shows when her chaps are on.

    Thanks for the help & suggestions-

    Yo Peter! Did I just read this right that you asked for advice, but you already planned to 'mask' off the soles, and SPRAY paint them? What, your daughter wear a rusted out car on her feet?

    I'm just kidding, if they aren't worth any effort, spray 'em with walmart's dollar specials. I think I've having entirely too much fun on my end laughing hysterically, so will leave you in peace now. Cheryl

  14. Here is a man's perspective (don't know if you want it or not). When I look at what you have for a display I spend more time looking at the display background not at the items you are trying to sell. I understand an attractive display is important, however what you want to have attract attention are the items you are trying to sell. A plainer background in an interesting motiff I think would be better. I once set up a display of western holsters using an old lever action rifle a Texas Ranger badge and an 1800's set of hand cuffs, I spent more time answering questions about those items then I did the holsters. In most cases I truly believe in the KISS method. Just my 2 cents worth (and it may not even be worth that much).


    Oh no Scott, it's very welcome. Not just from a man's perspective, but from personal experience. I told Sylvia, I should have reversed them, put the lighter weather vane green napkin on top and the busier one as a skirt around the stool. I just didn't realize it until I saw it through the camera, and it was a little late by then, LOL. However, I have more of these old napkins left so I may just reverse them, plus a couple more clementine boxes. Plus I have some orangish bailing twine from the barn that just matches the orange in the top material so may use it like, oh, that upholstery stuff they cover on cushions, etc. That should draw the eye up from the busy material skirt to the top where the display is. I like the idea still, can keep adding and subtracting eyes from it, just needs a different idea for the material. thanks for helping Scott. Cheryl

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