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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. That's a cool story.

    I actually have one of those on craigslist, crank and all, but the market is pretty narrow. I'm thinking about putting it on ebay but it's so heavy I'm not sure how to package it.

    They are beasts aren't they? But really I've shipped three already and you do it just like anything else. I used that heavy duty Seran wrap stuff that someone sent me something in, and plastic store bags, and peanuts to fill in the surrounding spaces and I sent one from VT to CA for 31.00. So charge at least that much. styrofoam, brown paper bags. The main thing I tried to do was keep the spool from going through the box so I had a lot of packing between it and the box because the one I sold didn't have removable ones. What kind do you have and what do you want for it? I'm not wanting to buy it, LOL since I finally got rid of my last one after going on a binge but I can give you some ideas of what I've seen them selling for. And already having the hand crank is a big plus. At least $40.00 m ore I'd say always and more depending on what kind you have and the shape it's in. Why don't you pm me Mike and I'll help anyway I can. Cheryl

  2. DoubleC I wish Rancn2arena showed more on his website. I didn't see any buckles but do like small companies that make a good product. Also I see you are in VT. Alot of my family is there, but I wanted to let you know on Craigslist someone in Walden (yes I know it's quite a bit north of you) is selling deer hides in a few shades for $20 a piece.

    Well Scary I called him and asked if he'd ship and he would, but he basically is looking at shipping a lot more than I can afford to buy. A friend of his passed away that had a leather business and he's just helping the son get rid of things. Then he said he was on his way to bed and I apologized and said, but you don't have an email on craigslist and it says call nights. he said, 'but it's 10:00.' I apologized and wanted to tell you if YOU'RE interested in them he'll cram as many as you want into a medium priority mail box, but not so crazy about doing just one or two. Thanks though for telling me. Cheryl

  3. DoubleC I wish Rancn2arena showed more on his website. I didn't see any buckles but do like small companies that make a good product. Also I see you are in VT. Alot of my family is there, but I wanted to let you know on Craigslist someone in Walden (yes I know it's quite a bit north of you) is selling deer hides in a few shades for $20 a piece.

    I know, his website would try the patience of the Pope. It's almost like you have to already know what you're looking for and how nice it looks before you can find it. I don't remember exactly, but I think on the front page he has a link to hardware, or something like that, and THEN you go to a page with a drop down menu of the type you're looking for, THEN you get another drop down menu that says like buckle 19836, buckle 19837 etc. But he has so MUCH stuff that there's no way he could put all those pictures up every time say someone opened hardware. Right now I want a belt buckle set from him, you know, with the buckle, metal keeper and belt end? But I don't have the energy to go and try and run it down. I decided to wait until tomorrow.

    I love the price of those. So since we've run across each other on here before I feel like I can show my ignorance :-) What exactly do you do with deer hide? Tomorrow is my 'monthly' shopping day and maybe I could talk him (or her) into shipping if I knew what I was going to do with it. I mean I've felt deer skin before and I know it was very soft so could I use it to line my things, or well, I'm sorry but I really don't know. Thanks for your help and shame on you for not living here with your family :-) Cheryl

  4. Glendon, if I could have afforded it I would have donated the machine, I was so humbled that on EBAY he would write and ask ME about mine. I am just so happy this is going some place like that because they have a lot of good years left in them if people can see past some of the age warts. Thanks for writing, Cheryl

  5. I just sold my last Singer Sewing Machine I rehabbed. The guy told me this then sent a picture to me.

    Actually, you might appreciate this then: I'm the head of living history aboard the USS OLYMPIA, Admiral Dewey's flagship, the oldest steel warship in the world, and a museum here in Philadelphia. If I purchase this machine I'm planning on putting the hand crank back on, and using the machine on the ship to mend our 1898-period Navy uniforms in view of the public. So if you're wondering if this will go to a good home, it will be used as the sailors used them 120 years ago, aboard the only remaining vessel from the time period.

  6. I just sold my last Singer sewing machine I rehabbed. The guy told me this and then sent a picture.

    Actually, you might appreciate this then: I'm the head of living history aboard the USS OLYMPIA, Admiral Dewey's flagship, the oldest steel warship in the world, and a museum here in Philadelphia. If I purchase this machine I'm planning on putting the hand crank back on, and using the machine on the ship to mend our 1898-period Navy uniforms in view of the public. So if you're wondering if this will go to a good home, it will be used as the sailors used them 120 years ago, aboard the only remaining vessel from the time period.

  7. Again I'm not really familiar with the type your are talking about b ut I would try Jeremiah Watt at ranch2arena.com This man is renown for his metal work and he doesn't have any minimums. I bought some standard horse tack buckles, beautifully etched from him and the only reason I go 8 was because they were TWO bucks a piece but with 8 they were $1.90. I don't consider that expensive, and he's one of the nicest men-his wife the same that you could work with. The picture I uploaded shows one of his $1.90 etched buckles. Good luck.

  8. Tom I feel for you I have been trying to make a leather frame for my business license and just gave up. This was my BEST attempt. I'm going to just buy a frame, use it to mark my corners and glue the leather to the front but I still know it will end up wrong. I have tried to master this technique for 20 years, first with wood and I can't do it no mater what. I hope you have better and faster luck. Cheryl

  9. Thanks. I did it because my voc counselor thought it made good business sense but he's not someone who used to waste their whole day there. And I don't want to be there day in and day out. I opened it, it's free, and put pictures that were current then and have never been back to it I don't think. I got a notice (it'll NEVER end I don't think) that one of my friends had a BD coming up this week. I opened the email and didn't have a clue who the person was. These people are NOT my friends. some day I'll figure out how to quit receiving them but I've been lazy and just delete the stuff. Again thanks for getting my butt in gear last night and getting my site up to date, and looks like I need to check it again because of internet issues :-) Cheryl

  10. Smart move time wise, I wish I had the time back I wasted on facebook in the past. Never go anymore, but my voc counselor recommended I open a business page on there and I did but I never go to it or update it. I have a facebook button so people can 'like me' on facebook. I'll be honest with you Paul, I don't give a s**t if they like me or not, buy or move on, LOL. You motivated me to put my 'about' page back last night and I took a lot of little crap off, all of the prices, uploaded newer pics to my products page, and said 'drop me a line.' I don't bite, and I'm not high pressure. I talked a girl out of buying something yesterday I knew she didn't need and I was afraid she really couldn't afford it. People can write me all day and I'll answer them whether they buy or not. I like when something sells but I'm not going to hunt them down with a sales pitch if they email :-) So yours is wonderful and you were also motivating. So thanks Paul, Cheryl

  11. Congratulations on the sale.

    Thank you Cowboy Don. I was pretty happy. These aren't high ticket items like a lot of things people sell but I like to make them and make them really well put together. The set I sold in the picture has a Jeremiah Watt's buckle on it too. I try and use the nicest things I can find on them (for the riders, all they need is bells to work right) and not counting my time, I made about a 300% profit on this set. And a set like this I can do in a night watching TV. The more intricate ones, like where I round braid rawhide on leather take a little longer but I find this more relaxing than my 'In the Eye of a Horse' products I make which takes a lot of intricate painting but less time to do. When I'm really hitting it I can make at least 3 products a day and if I sell them all, I make about $100.00 bucks a day. And when I get this business really kicked off I expect to sell at least that much and have a waiting list. Thanks for noticing. Cheryl

  12. Hi Shpati. I'm not an expert on anything but decided to try and help because anything I tell you isn't going to make it much worse. Black is the hardest color in the world to work with. I had a brand new bridle set I bought that came where part of the leather wasn't covered in black. I used a black dye on it for two weeks and then burnished it afterward and it kept turning dark brown. I finally used black acrylic paint on it watered down, a couple light coats and then sealed it.

    Another technique you could try on it is called vinegaroon. If you do that you'll never have to worry about the top finish wearing off because it goes through the leather. You take white vinegar and a piece of fine steel wool, put them in a jar with the lid lightly on, and let the vinegar work on the steel wool. It 'rusts' it and breaks it down and for some reason that turns leather black. If you were going to do that then I would suggest the alcohol to remove as much of the old protective coating (which obviously it doesn't have much) before dipping it in the home made dye. I am putting a picture of a piece of leather I dipped in my solution on to show you how well it works. I had the letters dyed green AND had put a coat of resist on them and the vinegaroon went right through it, just a hint of green left. But the solution took at least a week to get to this point (because I didn't use fine steel wool) so it's not a 'today' fix. I hope this helps. Cheryl

  13. Ray I'm going to just give you an opinion which I think you asked for some where. Really interesting topic and not one I've actually thought about before, especially as far as specialty things. When you mentioned history I went pretty far back. I mean back to when we crawled out of the primordial slime or whatever happened. We needed clothes to keep us cool and warm. I can't imagine what it was like for people before they were tribal. One person had to do everything for themselves and that seems so incredible to me now. At least animals are born with their clothes on. When you think about it survival probably lead to folk living in a group as much as the need for socialization. If you look at now and how many people live alone by choice. I wonder if the first tools started then in a rudimentary form along with leather work being more specialized. I see a say woman who makes clothes for her social group from skins brought to her. Then a young boy or girl watches her do it for years and they snare a rabbit and make something. Suddenly there's competition and the woman starts dyeing/making/finding doo dads to add to her clothes. I mean I use a stick as a matting tool. Twin Oaks suggested when I was trying to learn about negative and positive space that I just find a stick and pound the dickens out of it on the concrete. I did and I'm still using it, design changes with use. This may not be the least helpful because I'm kinda thinking out loud and for that I apologize. But I think it's a great topic. Cheryl

  14. Well Cheryl,

    Great job. Up here conchos of leather have two slits in them, no good. That is why I thought you had made them and very perfectly too. The horse eye is very perfect and I am even thinking of ordering some. I love them.

    Those are not heavy so you could still make them into earrings.


    Oh no, these are very light conchos so they would just be 2 inch earrings. I thought a slightly smaller one would make it look more like a set. Order away, I do them custom :-) Drop me a PM. Cheryl

  15. I always tell people to just use the clear oil on the whole machine.I've already had machines in that people use grease & seen roller get flat spots on them when the grease dries out.So just oil it ever 8 hrs use or if it sets a while oil before using it.

    Don't forget to oil the shuttle everytime you use a bobbin of thread,just a drop somwere on the edge of the hole that it sets in.


    Hi Bob. Would you suggest the same thing for my 15-91? I have singer all purpose machine oil but just bought some tri-flow grease for the 15-91 after I got the machine. If oil will work, it would be great to just pop the motor cover off after 8 hours and add oil. I'm completely refurbishing it as you know, new wires, etc. and it is one greasy mess. I think I may have to run the head through a car wash before I'm finished. I'm pretty much taking off everything that will come off to get to the years of dust stuck to the oil and grease on the inside. I know the maintenance won't be this bad from now on, but anything that will make it easier without harming the machine I'll do. Cheryl

  16. It is beautiful. That is the difference all the things I do I enjoy and wish there was more of me to do that. Are you using 4-5 oz for the eyes and it looks like you are cutting them out with a olfa cutter that has the pinked edge.


    No honey, these are make on 2 inch conchos. I intend to add smaller conchos for earrings to match but everything costs, and until I get the business actually up and running, I try to stretch things as far as I can. I made one handmade spectacular (to me) eye that was all in proportion after several attempts, that was all hand carved and beveled (still the one I wear although not nearly as good as these) and a genius friend of mine on here used the picture of it to HAND carve me a mold out of wood. It's Tree Reaper and if you ever have a question about something he'll walk you through it if he can. Kevin has been with me through out this whole project, from where my eyes looked like microbes that crawled out of the primordial slime, up to that one almost perfect eye. He critiqued eye after eye. he drew pictures and lines and arrows on my pictures then put them back up on here. And then he made THE mold. It is truly a work of genius.

    Then I happened to be lucky enough to meet a girl on here WinterBear who can do everything like Kevin I think. She spent time with me explaining about what colors to use to shadow and why, and critiqued the new models with Kevin. So what you see now is their work really more so than mine. That's why you thought the eye was a stone, and they look so realistic, no matter what colors I use for the 'horse.'

    I made a blue one for my sister and a lavender one for my niece and they looked like they were staring a hole in you as much as this one. It's all about starting with a realistic design (the mold) and adding the right color combinations. On this there is a little saddle tan dye mixed in the white for underneath the eye which would be shaded and a little yellow added to the top which would be in the light. They are actually washes made after the initial color. I have learned so much here Randi-Lee and I am so grateful to have found this group. Actually Kevin found me a machine that makes conchos so after these are gone I intend to make my own. Thanks for writing, Cheryl

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