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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. Yes it does Allen, it's wonderful work.
  2. Today (and still) I worked on my billfold I'm making. I managed to vinegaroon some leather accidentally, and right now I'm painting the back part of my billfold. I matted it before this.
  3. That's a good idea Syl. I still have the email on my desktop where you sent that url to me. Well I 'won' the $19.99 sewing machine about 15 minutes ago. Went to singer to download the manual and you know you bought an old machine when it tells you to oil it everyday right at the beginning, shows you where AND tells you to always use sperm oil. I don't think that's on the market legally anymore, is it? :-)
  4. This will be added to my salvage BOOK since I have a lot of ooops. :-)
  5. Thanks Wiz. I won't need to move up yet because of the type of work I do. I initially started Double C hoping to do custom tack (not saddles, everything but) but after seeing all the tack makers on the internet and HERE who are struggling, I went another direction. I hope to use my custom 'In the Eye of a Horse' on smaller items for horse type people. Actually the eyes have a larger niche than even that although the rhythm beads don't. I really like what I'm doing and even now, bouncing around the forum have projects going. With a lot of help from a lot of people here my 'eyes' are like miniature works of art to me when I do them. They have given me a creative outlet along with a business outlet. The rhythm beads are an almost perfect balance because they are a repetitive activity not requiring the same concentration. I really admire the people on here who can do Sheridan, or mold a holster perfectly, or make a saddle. But for right now, as long as I have a piece of leather in my hands I'm happy. Thank you for the info. Actually the 185J DID slice a piece of suede when I first started using it so I understand that. And since I seem to live on ebay I'll look for some roller feet. Cheryl
  6. I was sure I'd remember, and this is terrible to be talking like this. Mike probably ran and hid, LOL.
  7. ROFL, Syl, that's so funny too because I wet it trying to take a drawing OFF it since I'm going to be writing on it. Didn't want my pen writing duplicate checks like a car driving down an unpaved road in Appalachia. But I love some of the ideas, except mikes because I'm pretty sure that didn't happen Even at my age I'd remember wouldn't I?
  8. OMG, I'm laughing my head off. I love the distressing idea. A kinda steampunk look. I bet if I did that, every one would notice it and want me to make them one, LOL. No I guess you and Aaron gave me the answer, keep the leather away from metal, dip. I'm still laughing. Thanks Scott, but I think I'll leave it and beat it with a chain :-) BUT if I ever do it on a customer product I'll know something I can try. Cheryl
  9. LOL Arron, I noticed that part. Can I vinegaroon it back? (I have to look up the meaning of that)
  10. OK, so I need a sewing machine and I start watching the old singers on ebay. Everything I own is old and decided something that had lasted 50 years, maybe I couldn't hurt it. so I watch and watch and realize I'm seeing the same machines so much I start going to the newly listed instead. First time, BAM, there she was. The Green goddess. 1958 185J with green everything and a buy it now price. Green cords, original green belt, green foot, it was love at first sight. Right now EVERYTHING singer is being listed as heavy duty since people are taking an interest in the old machines, but she wasn't. Woman was honest, and I did a quick search on the internet and found a blog with a 185J on the front page (who also mentioned this trend) and said normal household stuff fine....denim fine.... occasional leather, she'll handle it. I bought her on the spot. I've never machine sewed and I was totally lost until I downloaded a manual from singer. So now I can change needles, load the bobbin and get it back, catch the bobbin (is THAT cool how the needle does that) etc. I'm kinda ok on the tension, found the sweet spot for suede but I'm really afraid of using the machine. I don't want to break something kept so perfect all these years. So I decide I need ANOTHER singer I won't worry so much about. (I'm not doing any heavy duty stuff really, suede necklaces and the thread is just for decoration). And she hums along at it, it's an all metal 3/4s, weighs 2 ton, but very, very pretty. so I find a 128. I read up on them and I figured ok, THERE'S a machine even I can't hurt. Now I look at it, and look at it, and look at parts for it and decide before I've ever even PAID for it, I probably could because it's pretty nice and over 100 years old. So I am giving her to a dear friend of mine that's been such a big help to me. So now I'm bidding on a rusty, old Sphinx. I tried to get my friend to buy it because a lot of the missing parts on the 128 could be taken from it, but when she didn't I did. She wants to see exactly what the 128 needs, I saw the 127 had the right throat plates, and face plate, etc. and figured (ok, the 128 was $12.50 plus shipping, and the sphinx will probably sell for less than $50.00 total, not talking high finance here) why not take it from that machine because buying them individually would cost a lot more. So I bid because by NOW (I HATE ebay) I have already won a mission oak style treadle top for $9.99 I got for the 128 AND a beehive case in mint condition I bought for around that so I'd have something to put the 128 in until I get a treadle table put together and still have the same problem. Well two, addicted to auctions AND no machine for these things. I have a question, honestly. Can I hurt a treadle machine like the 27 by occasionally sewing two thin piece of leather together say for a wallet? I'm getting singer poor fast but I LOVE these old things. In case you think I'm kidding, pic of the green goddess attached.
  11. Some dip at my house (I live alone so it must have been the dog) took a wet piece of leather and laid it on top a metal square to dry. It's going to be the inside on one side of a wallet I'm making for me. I use duplicate checks so using it as the in-between piece. So it's not the end of the world, but I tried saddle soap, and even the scratchy side of a sponge when I did it, but no go. I can dye it, or leave it, because it's just for me, but I was hoping to find out in case i ever did it again. Thanks Cheryl
  12. Joe, I like it. Plain and simple. Are ya gonna do art or are you gonna be a factory? I use mod podge for about everything too, LOL. I only saw one knife slip, and so what? Your beveling looks great and unless you're looking for it, it just disappears with the other things in the coaster.
  13. DoubleC

    Treadle Stand

    That's great with me. I don't like fedex OR ups. Why don't you pm me about what you want for these and I'll see if I need to shut up forthwith :-) Cheryl
  14. DoubleC

    Treadle Stand

    Hey Bill. I just bought a 128 AND a treadle table top. It is roughly 35" x 17'". Would you be willing to ship just the legs so I could attach my top? And will my top fit these legs, as far as their dimensions. Funny, just bought the top from ND. But it's made for the 3/4 machines like the 128, and my 185J. Let me know if this is an option. Thanks Cheryl
  15. I have many mares staring :-) I haven't posted these here before, I'm kinda lost on where they fit, but these are my own design of a horse's eye that has been improved and become leather art with tons of help at this forum. Cheryl
  16. I just saw this topic, and it's so relevant to what I'm trying to do. When WinterBear, Bruce, and oh dag forgot first one, they mentioned items not being displayed right, or properly taken care of. People here and my VOW worker said I would want to be especially conscious of where and how my things were displayed. I made up two floor displays, two counter top displays, and WinterBear, always modest, didn't mention that she made me two hanging displays. If you do consignment, try and gently convince the shop owner you'll do them the time saving work of making the display. Two examples, counter and one of Winterbear's hanging displays.
  17. Beautiful....your work and the sentiment. Cheryl
  18. Honestly this is the first day I HAVEN'T worked in probably a month. But it doesn't seem like work really but relaxes me. But I've been on this computer all day when I was home, and made a couple stabs at some products but just a flighty day, LOL. I did carry a cabinet upstairs to start storing things in. OK, yeah I mostly grumbled....:-)
  19. Wow Aaron, that's beautiful. I worked on a billfold I'm making for me, but mostly just grumbled at it :-)
  20. DoubleC

    Eyes On Display

    Poor crazy Michael. how appropriate. Some people are just so damaged......I saw him in Jacksonville Fla and the kid gave me chills, he really did. So talented and so damaged. Thanks Sylvia, here's one for you, Sting of course, seemingly mysterious but not really. c
  21. You should check out the braiding forum further down. They have tutorials on knots, and also youtube has them. I am like you, can braid but can't figure the knots. Good luck. Cheryl
  22. DoubleC

    Eyes On Display

    You guys are cracking me up.... every move you make, every breath you take...........LOL.
  23. DoubleC

    Eyes On Display

    OMG Kevin, thanks for the laugh.....I am still going, neighbors will think I'm loonier than yesterday. I'll be honest, I have the eyes and board in a plastic bag. From a distance they kinda freak me out too! Thanks though. c
  24. If I can be of any help, let me know, although I'm no expert by any means. And people put them on nylon halters too, not just rope. Cheryl
  25. DoubleC

    Eyes On Display

    Thanks Sylvia, I sure had my share of help here from all of you. Cheryl
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