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Everything posted by chancey77

  2. I started a small bag today for the rear left side. Very simple and I wrote down all the measurements in mm and cm. I did cut down the 9.5cm width to 8.6cm/86mm to account for the thickness of the leather. He only wanted it no more than 10cm, so it is just under that width. But do it how you like, and if you want it for the right side, just make it the opposite, this will attach where the chain cover bolts are. VERY SIMPLE DESIGN! Cheers, C
  3. I do like the Axe, but Arm is right, AXE THE BLEEDING COWBOYS FONT. I think everyone has said enough to confuse you and I won't continue:) LOL I know it is tuff...but sometimes you should maybe be careful what you wish for.LMAO! hahahaha
  4. It looks like a piece of 4-5oz leather which is very thin, so you can't really get to deep with the knife. It juts looks to me that the beveling and spoon smashed the knife marks. I know very well cause that is what I ended up using for the door panels, but the trick with leather that thin is not to do to much other than the cuts and a light bevel. Thanks for participating! I am way to swamped this month to do this challenge but I will enjoy the back seat:) LOL
  5. No it worked pretty good and didn't crumble, the wood antique is bees wax, it came out pretty good I must say. But I would be interested to see how this powder your buddy makes works as well.
  6. Well my original plan was to do a multi color design. The girl is tied to a target, like at the circus. She is looking up at the arrow in her hair. For some reason in the picture her left eye didn't look colored but closed, but it is just like the other one...weird camera matrix i guess. I dyed the seat black first then applied a heavy coat of gold to the lines and took off the access with water and paint thinner while it was still wet. There is some flake left over after the wipe down, but they just kind of sparkle a little in the sunlight, very minor. I tried everything I could to remove them, but no luck. That is the thing about metal flakes, they tend to dig in and stay put....oh well, it looks good, and adds a little character. I think after a couple seasons of riding they will wear off. But only time will tell.
  7. You know us musician biker types...WE ARE THE MOST FUN!!!!!!!! You have to go spend another 15 bucks and get the Keen Edge Sharpener...after you do and you sharpen that hollow ground for 10 seconds you will be kicking your self so hard that you didn't just get it before right now! I have heard you cussing that poor awesome knife blade for months now...all it takes is 15 bucks! And a few strokes and you will be rockin'!
  8. 2 thumbs up! From THIS GUY!
  9. I've been carving other things as well...that have been taken off this site...BTW...
  10. Wow that may be the best piece I have seen from you yet! YOU GO GIRL! Yes I did actually just say that...and I zig zagged my snap too! hahahah I thought you where making it a guitar strap...or is this part of it?
  11. Aren't you guys glad I aint like that...hahahaha What is wrong with people?? Never mind I know the answer...LOL Thanks Kevin!
  12. Ok so I have been doing some more work to the Tele... I have been so busy with motorcycle stuff the last 2 months, this was put on the back burner, but now I have had some more time the last couple days to start adding the details and making it pop. There is still SOOOOOO much to do! Including the back that is going to be all carved as well....wowsers, I know how to bite off a big chunk...LOL This is my first guitar wrap job, I have been wanting to do one for so long, but never had the chance. I have sent out emails to people that do this all the time; but as usual, no reply or any help at all. I was hoping someone who has done this a few times could have given me some tips, but NO AS PER USEUAL...NO REPLY! Oh well....I will learn myself ...THE HARD WAY...AS ALWAYS!
  14. I try.... that's what my wife said..hahaha....He is a great player, and it is hard for gypsies to get jobs here in Finland, so he plays his harmonium:) I'll stand outside the store and have a coffee with him and smoke while I listen to him play and throw him some cash from time to time, but I noticed his strap was broken and well....something just had to be done:)
  15. Dropped off the seat today and did a very ruff mount. The Custom rear fender and tank is just wicked! A new home for the ol' Shovel:) He was waiting on the seat so he could go ahead and see how the tank and fenders could be mounted.....That is what I am talking about! People really don't think about how IMPORTANT the seat is....that is where you actually ride and if the other stuff isn't built around that first you could be very uncomfortable, not to mention gaps looking weird if everything to go together before the lock down...but NO most bike builders wait till the last day at the last hour before they decide to even thing about the seat....STUPID! Then expect ya to crank out something original in 2 hrs that really takes 40, when will they learn! Apparently this guy listened to my warnings and thank God he listened! Now this week after everything is welded into place, off to paint and back on the road for this old shovel:) Makes me very happy to see such a happy guy today! On to the next one!
  16. The clear is a brand called Grison from Paris.(the only type of clear leather pray I can actually get in Finland) Designed for shoe and bag makers. Since the gold is in the cut marks textile paint is perfect. Ya same stuff at the craft shops. Marabu Textile metallic series. There is one other Leather Spray that also works called Magic Color. But I only use it on the cut lines and tooling.
  17. Aaron is right! Poly hammer! Cheap and won't destroy the tops of your stamp handles like brass will!
  18. From the album: Chancey77 Custom Leather

    I made a strap for the guy that plays in front of my local store...his old strap was all rotten, and I promised him I would hook him up so I cranked out a quick strap for him! Guys been going through a lot, and since he plays his accordion every day to feed his 2 kids, I decided he deserved something cool! There is two sides but he is a bit camera shy, and this is the only one I got of the strap:(

    © © leatherworker.net

  19. Raw Hands!:) Been lacing all day:)

    1. Sylvia


      you need a leather glove with the

      index, middle and ring fingers, cut out

    2. chancey77


      NO WAY:) That is not what I need...I need a droogy to do my lace work for me:) hahaha

    3. Sylvia


      lol a droogy? I'm afraid that

      all the droogies are now working

      for the Keebler Elves. :P

  20. I'll dig in the boxes 2morrow and try to find the test pieces.
  21. Another one for the books; it is so hard to hold back and maintain something extremely simple! Veg Tan dyed Black and Gold metal flake textile paint, with neats foot, clear matt gloss leather gloss and leather balsam. Wet molded top and bottom to fit the extreme rake in the top and back of the pan. There is a lot of Custom Brass on the bike and it is black so he wanted something that would really have to be looked at to see, not something that would jump off the bike at ya from 30 feet. I think I managed to hold back quite well. Even for me:) Frankly I surprised my self for my self control:) I did originally want it more tan and black with some red, a lot more like the original, but I am glad for the 2 color simplicity. I think it turned out pretty darn classy. For some reason in this photo the girls left eye didn't photograph well, seems black, but it is just like the other one...weird. Oh well, back on the door panels for the 51 ford this week:)
  22. I did end up trying what I thought would be very similar. Antique wood wax about 2-6 tbl spoons 1-3 tblsp Neatsfoot oil Basic 50/50 mix or you could try 75 wax/25 oil, it might work as well. And enough black dye to make it all black/brown/red/blue/green...whatever color you want. Heated on the stove in an old metal pot for 3 bucks from the junk store. And I have to say it was pretty spot on!!!!!!!! I have also tried just shoe polish before, it did work but it gets hard and crumbles. The mix with the neatsfoot oil seemed to work the best. I still have not tried the Dr. Chase recipe yet, but one day I will. Until then I will stick with the antique wood wax recipe I listed above. Since they won't ship Feibings to Finland!!!!!!! I don't use anything like that very often so small batches is fine by me:)
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