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    Irving Texas

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  1. Located in Euless TX
  2. Pics are on the way
  3. I'm selling out a friends shop for his widow. I'll be posting his Bob Beard stamp collection of stamps on eBay for the next few weeks. Check out Robert Beard tools on eBay. There is also lots of hardware for saddles and belts. If you're looking for something I may have it. Let me know
  4. I have a never used Gomph round knife that has never touched a stone. A tool guru told me it was one of the early ones due to the way the name was put on in small letters. It was found in a fishing creel at an estate auction. My question for ya'll is what would you do with it, use it or not. I will try to post a pic tomorrow .
  5. Where do you get the Henley blades?
  6. Thanks for the responses and i will keep ya'll updated on my progress, unfortunately the horses are spread out geographically and I am becoming more dieselly challenged every day. Phil Dunn
  7. Has anyone had any experience fitting a tree to a Paso Fino? I have been doing some looking and it seems there is a change in confirmation at 3,5 and 7-8 years old. It is quiet a can on worms to open getting involved in this. The customers complain that even the saddles they buy from Columbia where the horse are from don't fit. They are mostly relying on aussie saddles and english but they sure would like a good western one if it can be made.So does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks, Phil
  8. Troy, I have always wondered how you go about carving from the swell on down. How did you do that?
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