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Everything posted by Tracym

  1. Maybe I'm wrong, but it just looks like a basic pineapple knot to me, but with four passes. I'll have to try it - but it looks to me like the passes I've done following the main knot on the left of that strand, crossing under Xs at top and bottom. I'll try it.
  2. From playing around with the pineapple knots, it seems like the pattern is the same no matter what the base knot. To get the two passes next to each other to be the same color, you'd just change the order you do the colors - do two passes in a row of the same color. Which, lol, I find a bit more difficult to keep track of though. Is this correct folks - basically follow the string above the current pass, but splitting pairs when you come to them, and going under the "X" at the edges?
  3. I know what you mean, it's not just doubling the string, but following it around duplicating the pattern. But maybe I'm wrong, I'll have to give it a try when I have time.
  4. I'm probably not helping, as it's not the O and U. But to keep the two colors together, it looks to me like you would basically just "follow" the string of the same color, if that makes any sense. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. I'm starting to get these pineapples - I found for me, looking at the photos/video, and 'seeing' the pattern I was following rather than actually the o# u# worked better. The sequences were helpful if a question, but I found visualizing it, and deciding what strings I was following, splitting, etc was easier and more reliable.
  6. Ohh on top of the standing end. Got it now - thanks to both.
  7. Thanks. But sorry, I'm missing something - run under strings, wouldn't it just be loose there in the center? Or are you going "between" some strings (under some over some) if that makes any sense? Come up to the outside of the knot then cut off?
  8. Nice! What do you do with the ends, so nothing can come loose?
  9. omg that looks like an amazing amount of work! Beautiful!
  10. Interesting, I wouldn't say any of my ring knots are squishy. Now, when I put knot over knot, it maybe just a little. Maybe I'm pulling them tighter? I want some sliding ones to be perfectly round though, so I'm going to try the putty.
  11. Very nice. I have to make a hatband for a friend before too long, not sure if I will be that ambitious though. haha and I accidentally clicked and got the next photo
  12. Hahaha no fair giving me the exception, when I barely figured out the rule!
  13. OK, wait a minute though - 8 x 8 has common divisors of 2 and 4 - I thought that meant it wouldn't work? That you couldn't have a common divisor greater than 1? (I bet I'm still confused)
  14. Oh I see. (I think). I mixed up the whole thing haha. I think I need a math class!
  15. Thanks so much for the tutorials, that is great! I'm trying to figure out that part about not being able to be divided. For example, there is a tutorial TYPE 1 - 2 PASS PINEAPPLE KNOT (from a 5x4 turk's head knot) so 5x4 would be with a 4x3 interweave = 9 x 7 correct? Well 9 can be divided by 3? Or is it ok because the 7 can't be divided?
  16. Got a couple of the Bud Brewer tutorials - hopefully that should do it - thanks!!!
  17. I currently was trying to use a 4 bight 7 part turks head. The first thing I'd like to do is a herringbone interweave in a second color. For a second knot, I'd like around the same size, barber pole. I'm braiding beveled 1/8 kangaroo - these knots are to cover the back braid. I'm cutting 1/8 lace in half and using that for the knots, if that info helps.
  18. I can't seem to find a video of this kind of knot. For some reason, I can't get into the knotheads worldwide site (technical problem), I was going to look there. Anyone have any insight into how a long knot is worked differently for the interweave?
  19. No, on my Christmas list. I'm trying to get one of these done soonish, in the next day or two, if possible.
  20. OK, I think I'm doing ok with turks heads. I can figure out the (gaucho) on a "square" knot, i.e. 7l 6b. Watching a herringbone (pineapple) interweave video makes sense on the more "square" knots. But I haven't figured out how to adjust the pattern for a longer knot. I have a 4-bight turks head knot, I think 7 parts, that I want to add a herringbone interweave to. It is working best for me to make this knot in place, so I'm not using pins, and I'm really not having trouble with it slipping. Can anyone point me to a video, or guide, or something as to how to do this interweave?
  21. Cool, lots of fun knots. There is a 2-strand ring knot (rein knot?), I have done that one also.
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