I am brand new also, and want to make a show lead (or a couple) for my dogs.
ShannonS - may I ask what is the knot you use that holds the beads? That is lovely.
I've been reading, but have so many questions. Just to start - I'm trying to figure out what I need to purchase. I'm (at least to start) only planning to make a few leads, so I'd probably rather buy the lace.
1. Where do members suggest to buy the lace? Preferably by the yard, not a whole spool.
2. I've read that most leads are 4 strand. Yet I see reference to up to 8 strand. I have an Irish Setter, but I'd like the more fancy looking leads, not a really heavy one. I do intend to add beads. I'm not sure just what thickness of lace eis best. For example, the company below (which I was considering) offers 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, etc.
3. I do know how to braid, and have no problem doing 6 strand instead of 4 strand. But I think most I've seen was 4 strand. I was considering the 1/8 or 3/16 and doing 4 strand?
4. I read it's better if the lace is beveled. Are these sold beveled? If not, what do I need?
5. I believe I also need needles. Where does one look for these? Any particular kind?
6. I would like to use core. I've seen spider wire fishing line referenced. Also sinew (tandy leather company). What do members think are best?
7. Hardware if I choose to use that - swivel? ring? snaps? Where does one find good quality.
Anything else I need?
Thanks in advance for any help. Off to hunt for bead sources...
I'm sure I'll have a lot more to figure out. But purchasing something to start with is the first step I guess.