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Everything posted by Tracym

  1. Thanks, I'll give some a try. What is nice about Springfield is, they will sell it by the yard now. I don't really need 50 yards of pink for example. I suppose if I have to, I can battle a few yards. I'd hate to have a whole spool of what I've gotten recently though. They are very nice and helpful at Springfield, don't get me wrong, I am happy to do business with them. Most of what I got from them was very nice and I was completely satisfied with the quality, service, and price. It's just a little bit lately that has been so different. Interesting, he said I was the only one who had mentioned it. They can only sell what they get, it's what's coming in from Birdsall.
  2. I've been getting Birdsall lace from a Springfield. Got nice lovely stuff, conditioned and beveled it and was good to go. But my recent shipment, it's literally 2 to 3 times as thick, and very stiff. In addition, the back of the the leather is soft and shaggy. Really night and day. They say the skins are thicker in winter (which it is in Aus now). Very hard to work with - it really needs splitting and I don't have a splitter. I have to take tons off with a bevelor, and I'm still not sure it's nearly as nice. Has anyone else noticed this? Is the quality from y-knot lace (probably from Amazing Lace) likely to be better? I'm not up to cutting my own yet, and I need to be able to get colors.
  3. Very pretty. I was just looking for a knot that could slide - can you tell me what that knot is? And how do you keep the ends from eventually coming undone after it is slid back and forth for a while?
  4. Thank you - I have his book (encyclopedia). I think the ring knot and what he calls a rein knot is the same thing, does that sound right? Two strands of leather, both put through the core = 4 strands to work with. I have a beveler, was thinking of using that to just make some of my 1/8" lace a little smaller, and using that for the knots. What do you do with the ends, after tying the knot?
  5. I'm just starting to make dog leads also. I was considering using that knot. But I'm wondering if it would be better to just make the braid, put the beads on after it's complete, and then use a ring knot (through the core) to hold them in place.
  6. Beautiful lead! I have a question - What is a burner? And how does one make and attach a burner?
  7. Thanks, I can try.
  8. OK, I have a bit of kangaroo lace and a bevelor, and have been reading avidly. My question today (I'm sure I'll have more) concerns core. It sounds like a good core would be paracord, finely braided nylon that has its own core (from my reading). I will be using 1/8" kangaroo lace, probably 4 strand, at most 6. I don't mind if the paracord adds a little volume, as these leads will be for large dogs - but I do still want the braided lead to fit through 5mm beads. Am I right in my description of the paracord? (I am not familiar with it). Is all paracord the same, or does it come in different thicknesses? Any suggestions for where to purchase some?
  9. A million uses for expired credit cards )) Great idea, thank you.
  10. A friend helped me make a beveler similar to one in the video. So I just need to order some blades, and make a guide for it, and I'll give beveling a try. Thanks everyone for the help. Does anyone know what that piece of metal Bernie46 is using for a guide is?
  11. Thank you Beth. I'm not looking to sell them, at least that isn't my plan. I just want to make a few for myself and perhaps give a couple to some good friends. But if I go to the bother of making something, I would like to try to make it beautiful. I have seen a variety of leashes out there. I could certainly buy one - but - I loved to braid as a youngster. And I love leather. So it would just be so satisfying to make my own. Sounds like I need to learn to bevel. OK, I can probably give it a try. Will it work ok to bevel lace that I purchase?
  12. OK Knothead, I will ask - do you have a website? Where do you sell your lace? If I'm going to make something, I would like to do a reasonably good job if possible...
  13. Thanks. I did look at that hand-made bevelor video. The question I had was though - if I wanted to end up with 1/8" lace, would I need to buy larger lace and then bevel it? Or can one be so precise that the width of the lace doesn't change?
  14. Hmm. Well, I don't think my skills (non-existant) are up to cutting my own lace at this point, so I'll just have to do the best I can I guess.
  15. I've been reading about making the kangaroo leather dog leads. Sometimes it seems beveled lace is needed to make a nice lead. But I've also seen it said that after rolling, it doesn't make much difference. Opinions? Is there anywhere to buy lace that is already beveled? I just want to make a few leads, don't really want to buy expensive tools. If beveling already cut lace - do I need to buy thicker lace, then it'll end up around 1/8" once beveled? Sorry for all the questions, it seems quite a task to get started.
  16. Thanks, I had been reading through the threads. I just didn't understand that one bit - thanks for explaining.
  17. You said "I also bring the core back through the main(standing) part of the lead ." Can you tell me how you do that?
  18. I am brand new also, and want to make a show lead (or a couple) for my dogs. ShannonS - may I ask what is the knot you use that holds the beads? That is lovely. I've been reading, but have so many questions. Just to start - I'm trying to figure out what I need to purchase. I'm (at least to start) only planning to make a few leads, so I'd probably rather buy the lace. 1. Where do members suggest to buy the lace? Preferably by the yard, not a whole spool. 2. I've read that most leads are 4 strand. Yet I see reference to up to 8 strand. I have an Irish Setter, but I'd like the more fancy looking leads, not a really heavy one. I do intend to add beads. I'm not sure just what thickness of lace eis best. For example, the company below (which I was considering) offers 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, etc. http://www.amazing-l...eter/cat_3.html 3. I do know how to braid, and have no problem doing 6 strand instead of 4 strand. But I think most I've seen was 4 strand. I was considering the 1/8 or 3/16 and doing 4 strand? 4. I read it's better if the lace is beveled. Are these sold beveled? If not, what do I need? 5. I believe I also need needles. Where does one look for these? Any particular kind? 6. I would like to use core. I've seen spider wire fishing line referenced. Also sinew (tandy leather company). What do members think are best? 7. Hardware if I choose to use that - swivel? ring? snaps? Where does one find good quality. Anything else I need? Thanks in advance for any help. Off to hunt for bead sources... I'm sure I'll have a lot more to figure out. But purchasing something to start with is the first step I guess.
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