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Everything posted by dragonworks

  1. From the album: stuff i do

    Dodge ram coozie
  2. From the album: stuff i do

    Old school knuckles sheath
  3. From the album: stuff i do

  4. From the album: stuff i do

  5. From the album: stuff i do

    Tattoo machine boxes
  6. From the album: stuff i do

    Back patch on jacket
  7. From the album: stuff i do

    Womens clutch wallet
  8. my folding saw horizontal carry sheath, multiple carry mora knife sheath with tinder pouch and fire steel holder w/ leg lanyard. I do alot of bushcraft and these are always with me. love the set up. sorry for crappy camera.
  9. tried something new for a customer and it came out awesome i think, what about all of you. it's on 8 oz - 9oz herman oak tooling side from springfield leather, cut in out line with swivel knife and beveled it. used acrylic paint , and beveled the detail with out cutting leather. black feibings dye in background. took about 4 hrs all together. making it a koozy.
  10. hey jayjay nice wallet man, i was wondering where i could get this design/pattern. i've looked and cant seem tofind it. great work man.
  11. never made a holster , not yet. i love the cleanliness, smooth lines, simple to the point design. awesome work.
  12. same idea im working on, only thing is i figured in a sog folding knife into mine. why a pocket knife to? because in the bush....2 is 1 and 1 is none!!! love the set you got, love the coloring. very nice job brother.
  13. id the same thing to cans man, i find it fun and not your everyday run of the mill project.
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