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Everything posted by Tenpoundsledgehammer

  1. Hiya Mark! There's plenty of resources here for you to pilfer through. If you have a particular question you'd like answered, don't hesitate to ask. We're glad to help.
  2. Nice to meet you, Rae. I also, have learned just about everything I know from trial and error (mostly error), and in the first week of perusing these forums I learned so many different ways on how to do just about everything. It was pretty overwhelming, really. There's so much knowledge here that people are more than willing to share. If you need to know anything about leather craft, it's here... Somewhere. LOL Have fun!
  3. I'd like to know what you're working on and the tools you're using, with some pics if you would please. It'll help me be able to give you advice that'll assist you more than just unloading a bunch of my general knowledge all at once. Using a stitching awl can be a real god-send, or the biggest pain in the rear you've ever had. LOL Regardless, I'll help you along as much as I can.
  4. Jeff Parish, huh?! No kiddin'?! I tell ya what, if you're up for it, I'll show the pics of your coffin box to a buddy of mine that knows how to build guitar cases. He's got a brand new 6-string bass that I'm pretty sure he'd like a killer case for. Just let me know what you think. I can measure my case and help you with estimating dimensions if you'd like, too.
  5. Ever consider building guitar cases like that? Sell those with matching adjustable guitar straps... You'd make a killing! Just a thought...
  6. Outstanding. Glad you're gaining some good knowledge off the site. I'm looking forward to seeing your projects.
  7. Welcome Justin! Hope you enjoy the site. There's a massive amount of information here to peruse through. I hope you have a lot of free time on your hands. Looks like you've managed to pick up a mentor already as well. Good luck with the craft, and remember to be patient.
  8. Right on. What do you use to cut your lace with?
  9. WOW!!! That's really fantastic work. Those must go for a pretty penny!
  10. Really nice work, Ken. I'm with Wiz. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work, especially now that you have time to really dedicate to it.
  11. Excellent work! I didn't even know there was a market for fancy leather top toilet seat covers. That's just plain awesome.
  12. Very nice job. I really like the fading dye work. If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you to complete that piece from start to finish?
  13. Nice to meetcha Sherlock! There's a tremendous amount of knowledge stored in these forums, you're right. If there's ever a question you have, or would like something clarified, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck to ya!
  14. Nice to meetcha Justin! I hope you find as much enjoyment in leather crafting as I do. It'll make you want to pull your hair out sometimes, but by far it's the most rewarding craft I've ever gotten into.
  15. That's awesome. So do you smelt and do castings, or more hammering and etching with your silver? (forgive me if I use the wrong terminology, I know practically nothing about metal working) What kinds of armor have you crafted? Was it more for costume, fighting, or show pieces? I'd really like to see your handywork. Ah, okay. That explains it. I've never seen one of those as a pendant either. Did you craft those yourself?
  16. Wow! I had never thought to do that! Thanks Wayland! I'll have to try that out here soon.
  17. Solid work, Don! Are you hand stitching it all?
  18. Gorgeous bike! I don't ride myself, but I know a good looking piece of machinery when I see one! Doing well with the patches. Cyber is right though. In order to get those "perfect" lines and the most definition, you've got to case your leather before you tool it. After you do it a few times, there's nothing to it. You have a damn good eye though. After a while, you might want to look into making custom saddlebags and other accessories. A buddy of mine owns a bar down here just east of Baton Rouge, and he rides too. He told me over the weekend that I should get into making leather bike accessories and what not. He said that he and his buddies can't ever find exactly the right piece they really want. Just a thought... So, you're a musician, huh? What do you play, and what kind of music?
  19. Thank ya! I'm happy to be a part of the community! That's on Seigen Ln., isn't it? Close to Airline Hwy?
  20. That's just badass right there! Good work!
  21. That's really nifty! The skull reminds me of the one off of one of the Offspring's cd covers.
  22. What's this that I'm looking at? The pic is kinda blurry. Otherwise, it looks pretty solid. What style of stitching is that, and what did you use for the lacing?
  23. From the album: Floggers and Cuffs

    This one has 8 24"x1" falls, split down the middle and cinched at the ends to make "frog fingers". The only purpose it serves to my knowledge is purely cosmetic. Haven't tried it out in comparison yet.

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  24. Tenpoundsledgehammer

    Floggers and Cuffs

    More than anything else I've been requested to build, it's been floggers and restraint sets. Who knew there was such a market for kinky stuff?! LOL
  25. I just noticed that I took the picture before I put the tacks in around the top knot... D'oh!
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