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Dallas Cowboy

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Everything posted by Dallas Cowboy

  1. I am very new to this so please don't hammer me. But i am starting to try my hand at making some belts and i have a couple of questions. Do i you use pro carve or easy carve for stamping? I know most people use it for tooling but do i need it for just basket stamping? Any other tips for basket stamping belts? LOL
  2. AWESOME...This is great for a novis like me
  3. Really nice. What weight of leather do you use? Also what machine did you use for your sewing? Nice work.
  4. Thanks for all the input fellas. Right now i think i will start with a machine that i can do smaller stuff with like belts, book covers, chaps and such. Man are there a ton of options out there. LOL What do you like about this machine? What size leather will it sew?
  5. A couple of last question. Im sorry to ask such simple questions and bug you. 1-What groover do you use? 2-Do you buy belt blanks or do you cut your own? Thank you so much for the help. Your work is amazing!! DC
  6. Thank you for the help. Also for anyone who makes tooled or basket stamped belts, do you glue your blanks to plexiglass before you case them to prevent shrinking? THanks DC
  7. Do you glue your belts to a pice of plexiglass before you case it to prevent shrinking? I know its recommended for sheridan tooling on book covers and such but i wasn't sure if it was used for belts that are tooled or stamped? Thanks again. DC
  8. I am wondering what machine everyone uses for their belts, bags, wallets, book covers, chaps and such. What do you use and what do you think the best machine for the above is? I was originally looking for a machine that could do everything i listed plus holsters and I'm just not sure there is such a machine but i guess i can start with a smaller one for belts and such. Thanks DC
  9. Great work. Couple of questions if you don't mind concerning your sewing. 1. What machine do you sew with, thread size and spi. 2. Do you groove it before you sew? Your thread seems to be in a "Trench" so to speak. I lover this belt. Thanks DC
  10. Ok I am about to dive into making my first tooled or basket stamped belt. I have a nice one from Harris Leathers and want to make it just like this one. So what thickness of leather should I use for the tooling or stamping and what thickness should I use to line it with. Thanks for any help DC
  11. Looks great man. Where do you order your belt clips from? I need one for my holster i am making for my LC9
  12. Ken-not once did I say I was an expert at any of this or better than you. Can you quote me saying otherwise???
  13. Really?? Wizcraft is an expert and he recognizes the issue.
  14. Yes!!! Thank you very much. I guess there are only a few people that are recognizing this issue.
  15. As I stated earlier, the bumps are not the main concern. The main concern for me and others was the lack of a full range of motion in the peddle. Yes the peddle moves quite a bit and has a travel range of about 3 inches or so. But the motor only uses about 1/4" of that range. Its not like the full control of a gas peddle in a car where the motor reacts to the entire range of the peddle. Instead this motor goes from zero to full blast all within a 1/4". It can be controlled by adjusting the max speed way down but it would be nice to be able to keep the max speed up and have a peddle range of motion that is much larger so you can creep along or haul butt depending on your needs.
  16. Dallas Cowboy


    Wow. You should do a tutorial in the belt section on how you did this and what you used.
  17. As I stated earlier. The machine is great and I will PROBABLY buy one. The motor was my main complaint not the actual sewing machine. I wasn't trying to start a fight with this thread. Instead I was trying to figure out why this motor acts like it does and to hopefully figure out a fix. But it looks like I have got a few ppl rialed up and that was not my intention
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