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Everything posted by northquabbin

  1. Thanks for the info. I got a long way to go but your help is getting me started. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img=16450
  2. You do beautiful work!
  3. Nice looking cases. where did you get the USMC stamp?
  4. There is a Boss for sale on craigslist http://providence.craigslist.org/art/2961219800.html
  5. Outstanding! I'm sure that Marine was speechless. I would have reupped for that.
  6. Great looking belts. How long does it take you make of those?
  7. You can see these tools on the Tandy Leather Factory site. They also have videos of how to use the tools. You'll find their free videos on the home page bottom left 4th one up from bottom. They have monthly sales on their stuff so wait to buy when on sale. 1. Craftool 4-in1 Awl SetItem #3209-00 2. Craftool Overstitcher Sz 6 Item #8079-06 3. Craftool E-Z Adjust Stitching GrooverItem #8069-00 4. Craftool Lacing and Stitching FidItem #3056-00 5. Stitching Needles Item #1195-00 6. Waxed Nylon Thread Black 25 yds. Item #1227-01 I also learned from watching videos on YouTube. If you click this link http://ianatkinson.net/leather/videos.htm you'll find more gread videos to help you. Good luck.
  8. I got a Tandy Gold membership for my birthday and it came with four 2 hour classes. This is my first cell phone case.
  9. Nice job and I like the celtic look.
  10. What's on your mind?

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