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Everything posted by Fullmetalsam

  1. Funny he's got the same profile pic as you in here But yeah, the prices seems definitely better than the other suppliers on Etsy which are charging 10$ for 20 M.
  2. I've seen the same thing here. I've stopped using the scarlet dye altogether. The red professional waterstain doesn't have that problem... but it is a shade darker than the scarlet dye. I don't like working with the waterstain - they don't penetrate the leather like the dyes do - but when a customer asks for red, that's what I use, 'cause I know it won't bleed.
  3. Might be interested - sending you a PM
  4. If you're not too much in doing your own tools - you can pick up a "kit" of what looks like strap end punch on ebay... but they are only slightly curved and they are for cutting round corners. Yeah they are chinese tools and won't last you a lifetime... but if they are taken care of and sharpen properly they will last you long enough for the money you paid them. There's a thread in here (I think it's in the Leather Tools section) about these exact punch and people were saying that the quality wasn't that bad... we're not talking C.S. Osborne quality (far from it) - but they serve their purpose.
  5. Can you add me please ?
  6. Hi Clair, Thanks for your reply.... even if it's a sad story for that stamp : ) I was looking at shapeways for a bigger stamp (almost 2"x2") and I have ordered a plastic one before you had replied. At that size the stainless steel is not too affordable : ) But I can't wait to see how it's going to perform - even if I only get a couple good impressions out of it, it's going to have paid for it self and may get the stainless steel version when the plastic one is destroyed. I can update this thread with the result of that stamp once I get it - I know I've been searching for this kind of information for a long time. : )
  7. Hi Clair, This is soemthing I've been looking into as well (Shapeways for leather stamps). You said in a previous post that you had ordered both the stainless and the plastic version of that stamp... did you ever get around to using the plastic stamp as well ??? How did it perform compared to the stainless one ???
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