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About EquestrianLeather

  • Birthday April 12

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South West
  • Interests
    Horse riding and horse related leather

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  1. Here are my first two sheaths. The plain one was to figure it out, the other a request from my father. Unfortunately I don't know how to post multiple photos, so here is one of both. *EDIT* Here is the photo...
  2. Doing a demo table at the county fair tomorrow. Still don't know what to do..

    1. Sylvia


      Do what you do best.

  3. Hmm.. I'm not sure what you could do. A suggestion from me is to go to a tack shop, and see what you think you could make that fits the price range. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but if I get any good ideas I'll let you know.
  4. I took in my bridle to Tandy, and the clerk said the splitting was probably because the leather was from the flank. I'm cutting the end with a knife, just tapering to a point. The leather I used for that one was from a 9 oz. Veg. Belly. I went and I got the edge beveler and a double shoulder that is really nice. And the Bob Park article on finishing edges was very helpful. Thanks!
  5. I'm making western bridles, single leather thickness, and pretty simple. The ends where it is tapered are splitting. Like the part you put through the buckle, and the leather looks like it could split in to two thin strips. Thanks for the advice on the CS Osborne tools compared to Tandy, I'll look at them before the ones at Tandy. And I'll definitely look at the blog. Thanks!
  6. So I'm making bridles, spur straps, pretty much anything. I'm heading to Tandy tomorrow, and I was wondering if there is anything you would recommend having. I need to work on finishing my edges better. Also, the ends of the leather on my first bridle are starting to split. Any fixes? Thanks!
  7. First bridle done! Now to finish some half chaps.

  8. Oh! I understand what it is now. Thank you so much!
  9. Thanks for the replies. I think I'll be getting the one from Tandy. The sale price is pretty much too good to pass up, plus I need to go in and look at some other stuff there anyways.
  10. I'm looking for a tracing stylus. Up until now I've been using a ballpoint pen, but I haven't done much serious tooling. I'm looking to start doing more. So, does anyone recommend one in particular? Thanks
  11. Thanks! But I'm not exactly sure what double stitching is. So if someone can help me with an example, I'd be very grateful.
  12. So, I'm working on my first bridle and I am having a hard time finding a design for the background. I just can't figure out what to do, since I'm only working on 5/8". I have conchos for it. Any advice is great.
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