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Dan Hammons

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Everything posted by Dan Hammons

  1. Here is a pic of a mouse pad and key case I made for my new girlfriend. Sure hope it's not just the leather she likes. Thanks Dan
  2. Th s is a clock I made a while back. Alot of you have seen it but it is nice to look at I finished this clock two days before the new book on coloring leather was released by Peter Main.I think I am at least on the right track. Also I have posted a couple of smaller covers I have recently commpleted. A momo pad for my daughter-in-law and small diary that I keep In my truck for keeping track of my fuel cunsumtion. Thanks Dan
  3. HI All, My name is Dan Hammons and I also some names I recognize and am glad to be part of this group.I guess birds of a feather do flock together.I am for the most part a tooler and thats why you will see pictures photo album and such from me most of the time. If any of you can give me a little good adice on my work feel free to do so.I may not listen as we have our own style and taste but I am always open to suggestions. THANKS for having me DAN
  4. Two tries and got it rite wow. Very nice bear Clay ! The nose looks fine to me but then again we are all our own worse critic which just makes us better . I am going to have to try an embossed animal since figure carving is my favorite.
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