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About mojoewrkn

  • Birthday 10/16/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Holster making, motorcycles, billiards

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Holsters and motorcycle accesories

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Member (2/4)

  1. Wow, thank you for the info on how to build the press. I have been planning on doing this myself and your blog will be really useful. Thanks!
  2. I love it, very nice work. What did you line it with?
  3. I just hold my leather in my hands up off the table. I set my drill press to 1100 RPM's.
  4. Great work Eric! I like the red and black! I made one recently also that is red(Fiebing's Cherry Stain) and black and I really like how it turned out.
  5. That should certainly be possible. If you want some pointers let me know, and be sure to post some pictures when you are done!
  6. Particle, This is the same stuff as the Lepage, loctite is the same company: http://www.loctiteproducts.com/p/a_cntct_cc/overview/Loctite-Contact-Cement.htm
  7. I have one but I am in Katy, TX on the west side of Houston. You can use it for free if you want to make the drive.
  8. I Love it! It is very comfortable and just the right size. Get one!
  9. LOL Yes I made the belt also. Yes it is fairly heavy fully loaded up. Everything on it is double thick leather also, so even empty you know its there. I wore it around for about an hour fully loaded and it wasn't too bad, I suppose you get used to it. I made it so he can take the sheath off of the bandoleer and attach it to his four wheeler.
  10. Great work! Are you using edge coat or dye on your edges? I really like your stitching.
  11. I can't get the images to show up. They show when I am making the post, but are gone when I submit it.
  12. Hi all, I have a friend who wanted me to make him an over the shoulder sheath for his Mossberg. Here is what I made him. It has 3 adjustable positions. Holds 23 Shells
  13. I am a design engineer for cellular telephone networks. I have been doing that for about 12 years. Before that I was an aircraft avionics technician for 8 years in the Air Force.
  14. There is a member called Particle and he has a great video about forming the holster. You can find it at adamsleatherworks.com His video helped me out quite a bit, hopefully he doesn't mind me sharing his link. As for me I have found that having the holster at the correct saturation is important. Too wet and I get too many marks, too dry and its hard to form. Practice is key, I get better with each holster I make. LOL Too funny! In the time it took me to type the above Particle replied to the post!
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