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About mifinne

  • Birthday 10/29/1964

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  • Location
    Kansas City
  • Interests
    Guns, Motorcycles, 3 Wheelers

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Moccasins, Holsters and Bags
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  1. Actually the Leathersmith in Overland Park is closing their store. I noticed there is a message on their home page.
  2. Years ago I started using the write on overhead projector transparency film, I would put my image underneath the plastic and I would use a fine tip marker and trace patterns on to it, then stylis onto the leather. As technology progressed, I started doing things on computer which I now print out directly to plastic transparency sheets via my laser printer. This is now the only way I transfer my patterns. The plastic sheets are pretty reasonable in price and once I print to them, I three hole punch them and put them in a three ring binder so I can quickly find them for later use. If you buy the overhead transparency film for copier/laser printers you can find them on ebay for less then ten cents a sheet if you watch for them. As a side note, I have always avoided the transparency sheets designed for use with inkjet printers because it has some sort of gel coating so the ink can stick to it.
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