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    Alberta, Canada
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    Leatherwork, Old sewing machines

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  1. I would respectfully add a third, and possibly the best class of machine for this type of work. A harness stitcher, such as a used Randall or new Campbell. These machines were designed specifically for harness work, and Campbell has a lay-away plan I think. This is of course once you've done some hand stitching, decided that you want to go into production, and need a machine, perhaps you don't. Other (used) considerations would be a Pearson #6, or Landis #1, I picked a Landis #1 up in great shape for $400, and it would do fine harness work all day long. But parts/needles etc are not as easy for these machines.
  2. Looks fantastic! The "New York Reload" style of holster is one of my favourites, and you nailed it. What weight of leather did you use? Again, fantastic.
  3. Thanks for the idea GoldenKnight, that sounds exactly what I might try...
  4. Excellent post. How do you do the embossing? Foil machine of some kind?
  5. I figured as much. But you never know, lots of times a manufacturer will put your name on whatever you want, buttons, snaps, whatever. I was hoping this was the case but I guess not. If I knew what the rest of it looked like a competent machinist could make some I suppose. Here's another shot of the fastener, beautiful bag as well.
  6. I don't know what to call it, but after watching this video I spotted these awesome bag closers (clasps?) Are they custom for the Lecia company or something I could find elsewhere? I've check the Ohio bag company but didn't see anything like it. Thanks in advance.
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