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About JohnK

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    badge cases,Re-enactment/Scottish regalia, whatever I feel like at the moment
  1. JohnK

    working around wrinkles

    :angel_not: Vera, You do some of the most beautifully unique work that I've seen lately. These folders are gorgeous. If the wrinkles you're concerned about are in the lining of these photos they add character to the piece. If they are in the center fold, it may be better to apply the lining after you fold the back and trim the edge. Just an idea that works for me. On a bend, you are usually going to have belly (fat) wrinkles. It is the nature of the cut of leather. You might try skirting or a thicker cut of shoulder. I'll check on some other ideas from the tannery and get back with you. We would love to see you and/or your work in the International Federation of Leather Guilds competition and seminars at Fort Worth in October. Wow, you could teach a class and demonstrate your techniques for the attendees. Anyone not attending your class would loose out on a wonderful experience. Drop me a note at and I'll send you some information on the show. Time is running out as it is from October 19th-21st and there is a deadline for receiving entries unless you are a walk-in on Friday the 19th. Again-GOOD WORK!! JKK
  2. JohnK

    Freak's Koi

    Hey guy, That looks GREAT! I agree with the coloring fears. I'm the same way. As a suggestion, if you have or can make time available from Oct. 18-21 the IFoLG is in Fort Worth this year and Tony Laier, Jim Linnell, Peter Main and Akiko Okada are doing classes at the show on coloring techniques. Akiko does some beautiful Japanese leather artwork and coloring. I'd love to see your work entered in the competition. Where are you located in Texas? Drop me a note at <front_line42@yahoo.com> and I'll send you information on the classes and show registration. Keep up the good work! JKK
  3. Most of us started with a basic "7" tools. It looks great. A lot better than my first attempt at carving. A little more depth in your swivel knife and beveling would be good but that comes with practice. Put this one back and see how much different the tenth one down the line looks. Also bevel from the back (depth of the design) out to the closest overlapping the leaves. I hope that helps. Keep on toolin'
  4. Been playing with this for several years (since 15 Y.O.) like Washroad and have gotten more serious the last several. Am going to be active at the IFoLG this Oct. Hope ya'll are coming! It's going to be more fun than '97. Clay-I didn't recognize your stuff at Denver but it looks great. I have never put anything in the competition though i should-maybe. I'm really not that good in comparison to some of the stuff on this forum. I hope ya'll can encourage Vera to come over and show some of her wares. She could put on a killer demonstration with that talent I'm originally from IN for 53 years but I've been in TX for 12 now. It's great to see this forum and all of the crafty folks out there. JohnK.
  5. Vera, Two of the best artisans working with color in leather today are Peter Main and Tony Laier. Both are published and will be in Fort Worth, TX during the International Federation of Leather Guilds show October 17-21, 2007. They will be holding classes during that period. For more information contact me and I'll send you the schedule. JKK *edited out email address to prevent spamming. More info on the show available in the calendar section, or at http://2007ifolgshow.com ~~Johanna
  6. :biggrin: Hide Crafter Leather Co. (HCLC) has better tools at reasonable prices. All of this is relative to your experience level and intended use. TLF is upgrading the basic tools (Craftoolâ„¢) quality little by little. Third or fourth generation copies loose quality and that is being worked on. Whereas HCLC has a growing line of Koshin-elle, Craft & Co, Barry King and Hackbarth tools. Order a catalog and try some out with fellow leathercrafters on your own projects.
  7. Steve, Join a Leather Guild if you are close to one. If you need to know where they re located and contacts just ask and you shall receive. Let me know your location and we'll try to find someone to be a mentor. Videos are also good. Several are available through Hide Crafter Leather Co. in Fort Worth. Leather Guilds ~~ Johanna
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