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About JohnBloch

  • Birthday 06/13/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Saint Louis Missouri
  • Interests
    Leatherworking, writing music, thrifting, working on boats and cars.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Anything simple.
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  1. That's one of my favorite parts about the buckle! It doesn't flop all around like most center bar buckles. It feels nice and solid. I may end up turning this into a buckle pour if I can find someone local who does/has done this kind of stuff. I know of a lady that poured iron and several other metals while in college, and maybe if she can hook me up with people who are still doing it, I can use their equipment (doubtful) I would love to make them in different styles and sizes as well if I can get a design 3D printed or something.
  2. This http://i.imgur.com/mMwgkCN.png Is the buckle in question. I've been wearing it for a year, and it is by far my favorite ive used so far, and I'd like to be able to make more belts with this buckle. How did I come across this buckle you ask? I found it in a thrift shop, on a child's belt. The only thing I know about the belt is that it said "made in Italy" sadly, I chopped the belt off of the buckle and kept the buckle in a drawer for a long time before using it on my own belt. Here are some more photos, on and off the belt: http://i.imgur.com/tEGFQPG.png http://i.imgur.com/G3q1Mqq.png http://i.imgur.com/lP55Vpg.png http://i.imgur.com/iohIPNt.png Thanks for any clues as far as where to look, I checked tandy and a couple other sources, but any idea would be great I've been contemplating casting a similar design, even though I have no equipment. Somebody please save me from my own compulsion. Thanks again!
  3. I think I found it but I'm not sure. Pelican hooks?
  4. I was looking at hoof pick belts and I spotted these: http://beggarspouchleather.com/gallery/albums/belts/Pelican_Hook_Belts.sized.jpg Those top two hooks are really cool. Does anyone know what they are called or here I could find them? Looks like they have a hinge.
  5. Gah!!! I ordered from this website, and they didn't bother telling me that the had 0 in stock. It's been 5 days, and the only response on when they would get them I got was "shortly". I need to make a belt for a friend for her birthday, and this is just icing on the cake.
  6. I'm kind of wanting to make a hoof pick belt. But down know here to get the buckle! Here's a picture of a belt with one on it: http://www.kevinscatalog.com/Austin-Jeffers-Hoof-Pick-Premium-Belt/productinfo/14-0072/
  7. Yep, all one piece, you have to wet form the corners before you tack them together with cement.
  8. Well, if the brushes and springs look good, and the ameture does too, than my problem must be in the sewing machine. I haven't oiled it yet and I'm just about to go pick some up. Someone also mentioned using white lithium when I reassemble the motor to grease it. I'm familiar with heat shrink tubing, but I snipped one of the wires towards the foot pedal hookup so as to not get the two wires hooked up improperly (I thought there would be terminals inside the motor... Woops.) I guess I'll just do my best to twist them back together and then solder them before heat shrinking.
  9. Also, thank you for the much needed insight Anne, it turns out that this unit was made in the usa, all except for the motor. Apparently it's more commonly referred to as a kenmore rather than just the generic "sears".
  10. Update: I have started disassembling the motor. There is no doubt that this is the first time the motor has been opened. On second glance there is a ton of wire damage. The wire casing is brittle and cracking, and it will need to be replaced. I'm not sure how the wiring is wrapped around the inside of the motor or if attempting to replace this wrapping is feasible.
  11. So, I went to a thrift shop and bought this little lady for $10. I spritzed some canned air in her motor an she started spinning like a charm, but won't work under load with the belt on (the belt is new, it came with one). I have some basic questions about sewing machines, and I am also wondering if this is a singer clone, because it looks pretty darn similar. I'm planning on dismantling the motor to at the very least clean it, if not fix the thing. My question is about brushes. I haven't been able to find much about this sears babe, I have a manual, but it doesn't have anything about specs. What kind of oil should I use? Where can I get brush replacements? Anything else I should look for other than probably 20 years worth of dust?
  12. I bought this piece from st leather, I picked it out by hand, but only out of like 4 hides. They keep the sides in the back, I can look at whatever shoulders I want to, and can pick a really nice one, but the sides I'm limited to what they bring out. They have a 4oz shoulder listed, but they normally don't have any. This hide is massive though, it's a 28. I may look at tandy for a more expensive (and thus less blemished) hide next time. Oh, and having a hide that got stitches sounds like a lucky catch. If it were common I'm sure I would have seen it by now.
  13. Are these bug bites or something? I bought this hide and I didn't even see these lumps. They are towards what I believe is the rump of the hide. Is it possible that they weren't there when I bought it?
  14. I was advised to use Chicago screws on anything that involves a large dog, but your design is awesome! I think Hooch the Pooch will be wagging his tail!
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