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    Saddle & tack, hunting accessories, knife sheaths, home decor items

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    Saddle & tack,

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  1. A Bible cover for my daughter and a belt for a friend's daughter.
  2. Your tooling is rich. I really admire it. Transparency sheets can be glued to the flesh side of your carved piece. This should protect the photograph from direct exposure to the leather.
  3. It is a wine holder. It holds most standard bottles of red wine.
  4. Thanks.
  5. Christmas gifts 2013
  6. I have made many of the wine holders but the rifle sling is one of the first I've made with a thumb hole
  7. This can be us to carry or display a bottle of wine.
  8. I call it a foot rather than a rocker/handle. It is made of two pieces of leather glued together with contact cement. This was made for a friend who had magnum bottle of expensive wine that he only wished to display. I typically make them for regular sized wine bottles that include a handle that is a continuation of the foot. I am finishing up one of these and will upload photos later.
  9. a sample of one of my projects.
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