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Posts posted by stef73433

  1. I am in process of building a saddle similar to this.. my first time..http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=73352

    2 questions i have that hadnt been previously replied to.

    1) How/when do I sew the fleece to the skirt. If i have a top leather layer and a bottom, making up the skirts, i assume i tack those in place on tree, line up and sew together so they hold the tree in. But i am confused. If I want to make the fleece easily changable later on, how would i do that? If i first sew to bottom layer and then sew 2 leathers together after, you would have to disassemble the layers in order to resew.

    But you would also have to disassemble if i sewed the 2 leathers and fleece all at once. What method or idea am I not thinking of to make this possible? Do i make 2 rows of stitches like this saddle? one to hold leather together and then another that stitches all 3 together?

    2) do I attach skirts to tree, sew majority of it all together and then rivet the rigging plate in, once it is all pretty well assembled? I assume the rigging plate would rivet through both of these skirt layers?

    Thanks so much for taking time to help me, It surely helped me alot so far!

  2. Ok, my impression is barge is supposed to be super strong, correct? I should not be able to easily pull glued leather apart? Or is it really just meant for a light hold?

    I have tried blueing Samples together, I've put them together wet and I let it sit 15 min, then stuck together. The wet seems to stay wet. If I let it sit, it seems to dry, doesn't stock well.

    What is the deal??? I bought a can maybe 45 days ago.it is thick, but not so thick I can t spread it.

    Am I supposed to thin it to make it work better??

  3. Well, that actaully makes me feel better that you dont think i will get it done.. because i spent hours and hours and hours trying... nailing and pulling nails and moving and renailing and pulling and wanting to scream... i dont think it can be done. So plan b will be one of your ideas! I think i might try lacing it, i like the older rustic appearance it gives.Thanks!

  4. I have tried 2 times now to cover this swell using the Dusty Johnson no welt/seam design. I just can not get it smooth without buldges. I need to come up with plan B. This is my first saddle, so i am obviously green at this.

    What method would you advise i try to keep it as simple but yet nice looking as possible? I was thinking of splitting it and then sewing inside out (i forget what stitch its called) or lacing it. Thoughts? Here's a pic of swells if that helps you guide me.

    I appreciate all the replies i get to each and evey post i make, i could not do this without all of your help!


  5. I'm trying to cover the swells following Dusty Johnson method. I'm struggling on the back side, next to hand hold, can't get that area smooth, without leather wanting to overlap itself.like I have to much leather there, but yet not sure how to cut it away without ruining it.

    Any tips or tricks?

  6. I am making a barrel saddle, full tooled.

    1) do I soak fenders and straps, stretch BOTH, dry, then moisten and tool?

    2) I am doing an in skirt rigging, and creating a slip cover pocket for tree to set in.do I block skirts, dry, sew on wool, them sew the two layers together and slip tree in, then finish sewing?

    3) do I need to add filler leather to bottom of skirt since I will already have two full layers from slip cover?


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