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Posts posted by stef73433

  1. I glued a piece of cased leather down for past of ground seat tonight.I had issues with it sticking to the metal seat strainer. It wouldn't set up and get sticky.I pulled it off, wiped of all glue I could and tried again.seemed to work better second time.

    Could it be,I didn't let glue set long enough to get sticky

  2. Thanks guys. The stamps on the end of stamp handle were done on the concrete floor. I've been meaning to get granite just haven't.I just started leather work this past October, so trying to slowly get set up.maybe the stamp is ok,I just thought it should be deeper.maybe I'm just off base in what I thought it should be.I'm literally learning everything of this site and the Web, so winging it.I will invest in a maul next tooling buy.thanks for the ideas.

  3. I am having stamping frustrations lately. I feel like i am BEATING by stamp hard and still not getting a deep impression. Is it a leather issue? I use herman oak, so I would like to think not. Is it a casing issue? Junk stamps? I whack that stamp several times hard and still dont get an impression i am pleased with.

  4. I feel like i am at somewhat of a loss when it comes to this horse. Be it a saddle or tree, he is darn near impossible to fit. he is narrow in the wither/guller area of his back, but then he has real protruding shoulder blades. If I go narrower in the gullet area, then the bars seem to really dig in to his shoulders. I have tried numerous saddles and struggle. This particular tree has decent flair to it (i think).. not sure how much more a person could do?

    I do have another horse who the tree does sit better on, but he also has a much nicer back to work with. My original plan for this grey horse was just to go treeless to avoid this very struggle. Maybe i should revert back to that idea?

    Obviosuly i am gree, so please explain to me why adding leather to the bottom would be a bad idea? I got the idea from Stohlmen books and I thought those were pretty reputable? PLease educate me. I want to learn things the correct way when possible.

  5. I plan to attempt my first saddle.. i am really hung up between trying an inskirt rigging or an on the tree one. I have my eye on something very similar to the Double J/Lynn McKensie rigging. I just dont know which one would be best for me.

    For what it is worth, this will be my first attempt, i dont have much help locally if i get stuck and I plan to run barrels in this saddle. I have the Stohlman books and Dusty johnson as guides and of course all of you on here :)

    Help, what do you advise? I attached the LM rigging so you can see what i mean.


  6. Bob,

    I have been thinking and I am really stuck. This will be my first attempt at saddle making. I am really stuck as to whether i should try to build my rigging similar to the Lynn M photo above, or if i would be better off with an inskirt?

    If it matters, i plan to run barrels in in.. and this is first attempt, so dont want to bite off too much more than i can chew. In my head, they both make sense, so perhaps you can tell me your opinion since you seem experiecned? I would really appreciate it. I may post this same question out on a new thread as well.

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