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  1. Thanks guys
  2. Hi, I have these two hand tools and I don't know the name of them or their use. Can anyone help? Franco
  3. Hi, I'm on the look out for a stitching machine. For making wallets, bags harnesses etc. I'm in the UK, southeast so I realise it might be difficult as most of you are in the US but I have to ask if anyone can help Franco
  4. Hi, I'm on the look out for a stitching machine. For making wallets, bags harnesses etc. I'm in the UK, southeast so I realise it might be difficult as most of you are in the US but I have to ask if anyone can help Franco
  5. I've decided to get the students making iphone or ipad pouches. Can anyone help me with templates?
  6. I have asked for the student number to be no more than 15. The machines are there as we use these in upholstery. I have enough needles and about 6 awls. Hair barrettes are a good idea too, thanks. I should maybe look for some template for iphones. Perhaps cut one out as a demo and have 15 already cut ready to stitch or lace together. Thanks for your ideas, Billy
  7. Hi Billy, Most, if not all will be female students in their 20's. I'm guessing a holster won't be well received. I thought maybe a pouch for their iphone, ipad or ipod. Maybe some hand stitched...some machine stitched and some laced. I'm throwing this out there for ideas Industrial sewing machines are available, only flat beds. I would go in with my own hand tools, which I have a few doubles of. Thanks again for your interest. Franco
  8. Hi, Thanks.....my trade is in leather upholstery buy have been asked to give a 6 hour lesson on leatherwork, stitching both hand and machine. The students are from Textiles and Jewellery so I want to go through stitching of chrome and vegetable tanned. Just wanting ideas to keep the interest of the students.....perhaps after the lecture, getting them to make something to incorporate hand and machine stitching so they have something to show at the end of the 6 hour.
  9. Thanks Billy, I may end up taking your advise if I get no more advise from others out there. Thanks again. Franco
  10. Thanks for the tip
  11. Hi, Thanks for your reply. I guess I'm thinks a few different stitches both with machine and by hand...am really looking for ideas as to what item can be make in a 6 hours slot by the students . They need to learn as many stitches as possible......just after ideas....I've never taken a class like this before. The item also need to get there attention to keep them keen.
  12. wonders if I have posted at the wrong time
  13. wonders if I have posted at the wrong time
  14. Hi, I'm an upholsterer specialising in leather and teach at university. I dabble in leatherwork at my home workshop and have been asked to do a 6hr block teaching "leather stitchwork for accessories. Would anyone be willing/able to help me with a lessonplan which is to include making as well as induction demo for students from the Anarchy Studio These are Yr 2 & 3 students equally from Textiles and Jewellery (Group Size 30 but we can identify how many spaces for each event). Some students are complete newcomers but all confirm that they're eager for more experience and advise. Students now have a good range of existing design ideas and sketchbook processes which you could use to drive sessions/ direct their making. Students would ideally be able to learn and practice one or two processes by the end of the day, and know enough to be able to later return independently to the area to practice further. If you are able to help (I really hope so!), I would be very greatful. This will be for just a 6 hour block
  15. Hi, I'm an upholsterer specialising in leather and teach at university. I dabble in leatherwork at my home workshop and have been asked to do a 6hr block teaching "leather stitchwork for accessories. Would anyone be willing/able to help me with a lessonplan which is to include making as well as induction demo for students from the Anarchy Studio These are Yr 2 & 3 students equally from Textiles and Jewellery (Group Size 30 but we can identify how many spaces for each event). Some students are complete newcomers but all confirm that they're eager for more experience and advise. Students now have a good range of existing design ideas and sketchbook processes which you could use to drive sessions/ direct their making. Students would ideally be able to learn and practice one or two processes by the end of the day, and know enough to be able to later return independently to the area to practice further. If you are able to help (I really hope so!), I would be very greatful. This will be for just a 6 hour block
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