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Everything posted by Zooker

  1. Thanks Guys! I hope to make a lot more! I am starting to add some tools to the shop so I can make my own blades.
  2. Yes, there is a small welt and sorry If I misled you. I did not make the blade. I had it made for me as I don't have the tools for that yet. My metalworking is more fab stuff, motorcycle parts and what not. Thanks for the compliments
  3. Not a regular around here as I only do leatherwork once in a blue moon. I am more of a woodworker/metalworker. I just got into knives and I made this one for my father. Let me know what you think. thanks for looking. Zooker
  4. Fancy is an understatement!
  5. I glued the "spine" of the fold first, then did the back while rolling it to shape. I next did the front while rolling it into shape. When done I trimmed the excess to match the inside which was cut to the desired size. When it was all glued the holster was pretty much in the shape I wanted and then sewed it together. I hope this helps more than confuse.
  6. Nice job. I love something special on a bike!
  7. That is an awesome rig. I bet there are a few B- Western guys that would wear it too.
  8. I make a finish for my native american style flutes, from beeswax and walnut oil. I take one part beeswax and five parts walnut oil and microwave it until liquid, stir it until mixed and let it cool into a solid kind of like shoe polish. When I am ready to apply it, I melt it in the microwave and brush it on my piece with a foam brush. I then let it harden/cool and rub it out with a soft cloth. It leaves a very nice finish and walnut oil will not go rancid. While i was reading this and typing, I made a sample piece from a scrap of pre-cased veg tan and it softened it very little and darkened it quite a bit. I then treated a piece with straight walnut oil and it darkened it quite a bit more and softened it pretty good. I am not sure of what your color/suppleness level goal is, but these are a couple of options. and +1 on what Alamo just said. Good luck, Ken
  9. That sure is different. You could do the vinegaroon. I think it would soak in from the inside. I am not saying this from experience, just a hypothesis from my playing with it. It is cool though.
  10. Thanks! All I used is a tamper proof torx bit and a edge groover.
  11. Thanks gang. I appreciate the feedback. Started the right side today and it is already easier. I think just knowing the gun fits well has added the comfort factor.
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