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Everything posted by KCF2013

  1. Did you have any problems with Canada Customs/brokerage fees?
  2. Try these folks http://lwleathers.co...ather-embossing Im on the fence, I do some pyrography on buckles , sheathers was considering getting one of these for a makers stamp. missed the first link to etsy shop..
  3. Send me a email to inquiry@kingscountyforge.com and I will send the template, I can't post .xls files here
  4. I am happy with the deertan i used for mine, that said i dont use them alot outdoors this time of year, definately going with a lined pair for next winter I just got an oder from the Tandy store in Dartmouth, was happy with the leather, the Rabbit on the other have ws very poor grade,
  5. That is the key only you can decide waht a item is worth , you made it, set a price and let it go...I had a call yesterday from a fellow who wanted a pair of mocs, i told him the price, he said he appreciated all the work and effort into making a pair ,but they are not in his budget at this time... we still need to restock and keep the lights on, I am getting better at setting the price and keeping it at that price.
  6. I take the cost of the item and break it down, leather per sq.ft. cost of dye everying part that goes into making a finished product and that gives us a cost to make, we take that and x3 , this is an average of what the craftspeople in our area do, seems to generat a fair price and still put suppllies and a bit of cash in our pockets. I am pretty good with Excel spreadsheets and created a master list of everything we make and it calculates our prices. I can do up a template of it if anyone wants one.
  7. I think my next pair will be out of Moose of Buffalo, I pondered about using an oil tanned leather, uncertain, might try doing a lined pair for myself., oh decisions decisions..
  8. if you run into any problems PM me or txt my cell and I can try to offer any help I can.
  9. KCF2013

    The Magic Of The East.

    Samar, that work is pure art, it is truly amazing, truly inspiring to take leatherwork to such a high level.
  10. I used a lacing chisel with 4 prongs and set it in my Arbour press. Set a marker line for the stitch line and away i sat , Drew the pattern and numbered the sections of it with the amount of holes, to keep everything lined up, I also used a 5/64" hole bunch to mark the starting points,where I wanted to start and stop stitching the sections. and as marker points for alignment, It helped me keep everything align, especially my inner peace..
  11. I used 12 sqft for a size 10, and punched 1952 holes for stitching not that I counted..
  12. Thanks for the compliments, they turned out pretty good, I don't mind the working with the Deertan, Tandy pattern and I adjusted where necessary, Im thinking a heavier weight made a size of two bigger would possibly stay up better and allow for a liner.
  13. Here are a pair of tall moccasins i finished up for myself Used 3oz Deertan for them with a 8oz inner and outer sole I was wondering what weight/ type of leather is most common for the tall mocs, I see a few are using 8oz buffalo.
  14. I found this place in Calgary, I will be making an order soon, http://www.buckskinleather.com/default.asp they offer great over the phone service. I am in New Brunswick and find it a challenge to get materials at times, Tandy has done well for me on most of the leather I have bought so far. But never hurts to be on the lookout for more suppliers. Cross border shopping for me is not bad 2 hrs drive from border but don't need the full day away from the shop to deal with the hassles of the border paperwork and fees.
  15. Welcome aboard, A big hello from NB Canada
  16. Well said...Kwelna I take the cost of materials everything..leather,snaps,thread broke it all wown cost per sq ft, cost per foot of thread/ lacing... excel spredsheet to keep it all sorted out, and I take the actual cost of materials and times by 3,(found this was a pretty good standard among craftspeople in this area)... this covers anything I have missed and pays for my time...it takes time to make templates, time to create the project, times to market it on website, social media, etc.. It took me a long time to get the "the price is the price"...and no yard sale haggling. I still get a hesitation at times, but once i put the price out there, then thats it...if they say nothing ..their loss I figure. And that is a great looking Satchel Pnozzer, keep up the good work
  17. Thanks for the tip, will give it a try
  18. I am in the Hamlet of Browns Flat, NB right along the mighty Saint John River, Doaktown is about 2 hrs from me. Will give the lace cutter a go..Thanks
  19. Another Canuk..whoohoo Welcome aboard... this is a great place to enrich your hobby of Leathercraft.
  20. I am trying to come up with a way to cut mystery braids more symetrical...Currently doing some long braid work of 16" of braid. Any tips for cutting such a long plait. I have tried clamping between two yard sticks and still can seem to keep a steady hand. Even tried to put two blades in a piece of pine at my desired width, started the cut with my knife and placed the strap over the block and pulled through, similar to the lace cutter.... still came out all wonky My pieces are 1/2"(12mm) by 24" (610mm) Any tips would be greatly appreciated Cheers Rick @KingCoForge
  21. Awesome job..I am going to make a set of gauntlet for motorcycling after seen your post I am inspired Cheers Rick n Heather
  22. Great looking bags, I agree with the others on the colour.... Black is so over used....great job:-)
  23. . good looking mask, Check out instagram and look for a dude named @haugy, he is a master on this type of mask
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