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    Winnipeg Canada

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  1. Thanks for sharing.
  2. The only way is to sand or grind it off.It would probably be easier to make your own.
  3. I use electrical heat shrink tubing and it works pretty good.
  4. I've been using Eco-Flo Professional water base dye and it doesn't penetrate the leather and will rub off in time.I've switch to roon for my black and couldn't be happier and plan on trying alchohol or oil base dyes.
  5. Looks Great!I would be interested in how it's done.
  6. I came across this and thought some of you might be interested.http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a-Vacuum-Former-Box-30/?ALLSTEPS
  7. It's just a name i got used to using playing online gaming.
  8. Well I thought i'd share the maul i made this weekend.Thanks for the idea to use a cutting board.I also included the head knife that i made out of a saw blade.I made mistakes on both but am very happy with the maul.I used dog collar that i decided was too thick(2 layers 9 oz.veg)for the handle and of course vinigroon.The head knife cuts 8 oz like butter.
  9. Graet idea I will be starting one this weekend Thanks.
  10. Make sure you are pulling on the piece of leather that is being cut off .
  11. Can you add me too please.
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