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Posts posted by toxo

  1. Halitech, definitely looks like it's worth a look. Does anyone vouch for this one?

    Biker, I agree, doing a skive for a turned edge by hand does look scary. You'd make sure you did those edges before you invested in a load of work in case it went tits up.

    Matt, nice offer but if I can't sort it myself I might as well go out and buy it. I'll always be up for a cuppa or a beer should the opportunity arise.

    MDV, I can see me getting one of those soon.

  2. I'll just throw this out there for what it's worth. I've used "Gorilla" glue a couple of times. It works on moisture so the work has to be dampened. Don't know how flexible it is but for stickability on leather I can vouch for it's effectiveness after I weighed down the work with some books but inadvertently moved the work. Next day I had to cut the leather to get it apart. Doh! Have plenty of clamps now.

  3. 5 minutes ago, koreric75 said:

    I have the 3 volumes of How to make leather cases, I love them all and they have been very helpful.  Now how many of those "exact" items have I made?  none, but i have used pieces and parts from all 3 books for many many projects... ha handle from here for this bag, a pocket from this page for that bag, etc...also when i was struggling on how to make a turned bag look a little better at the seams, i turned to the volumes and found the info on welting, and figured that would work for piping as well and it turned out ok.  My most recent bag was a patter from Tony See (dieselpunk), and I used a strap design right out of the volumes, the one with a conway buckle for the adjustment...turned out great.

    Best advice i can give is to do something...I could sit an envision ideas all day long, but i have to get something down on posterboard and start folding and getting 3d going for my brain to kick in.  Once that spark happens the leather comes out and things happen, sometimes good, sometimes not, but good or bad i'm learning what to do or what not to do.

    For patterns, keep in mind always...what seam allowance am I leaving, and how will the temper, and thickness of the material affect the dimensions i've built out on paper or posterboard, and DOCUMENT everything you do if your desire is to be able to recreate the bag!!!  I am very bad about this and i'll end up with a finished bag that i really like, and then a few weeks, months, days...i'll realize, if i had to reddo it i'd be starting from scratch because what i had drawn out and what actually happened were 2 totally different things.

    Hope this helps, and can't wait to see what comes to mind.

    A very good summary.

  4. On 7/20/2019 at 5:02 PM, JLSleather said:

    You can find that exact info in Stohlmans series on making leather cases. available in print and digital download. you'll find the actual thing you're talking about in VOLUME 2 but I'd recommend getting volume 1 just for the basic principles it shows.  It would take you a year of wading through the stuff around here to get just what's in 10 pages of either of those books.

    Alternately, if you already know holsters 'n' other 'smaller stuff", then might be just as easy spend the money for the pattern somebody already made 

    Are the patterns in ASs  download ready to be printed the same way that Nigels are?

  5. I'm a complete newbie and I might have it all wrong but I've been striving to get the stitch line as close to "the work" as possible.If a seam is say 1/4 inch wide and the stitch line is 1/8th then you have 1/8th of the seam relying on a glue line, that's if glue has been used. If not surely there's a potential for stretch

  6. 1 hour ago, chrisash said:

    I'm way past that and still consider myself young, maybe it was a spell checker that added old in his post

    Plus one!

    The OP is just a whippersnapper. (Looked peculiar writing that. Wonder where it came from?)

  7. I like this a lot. I've been pondering how to make a pouch for my night vision and this is just right. One piece from the front lip all the way around and up to include the front flap. Thank you. Looks good by the way.

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