Thx for the compliments everyone! I’m quite pleased with how this project turned out. It took a long time to make though! I quess 2 to 3 months in my spare time, although a lot of that time went into figuring out HOW to actually make this suitcase. I quess making a second suitcase would go much faster now I know what to do step by step. @ Scootinnc, that stitch is a simple cross stitch, something like this: For the wooden frame I used regular construction wood from a local hardware store, in Holland we call it 'vuren hout', it’s imported from Scandinavia, sorry I don’t know the wood’s name in english, spruce perhaps? Anyway, its 20x30 mm in cross-section.
The weight of the suitcase is 4.5 kg, not ideal for taking along on an airplane, but hey, it’s primarily a thing to look at for me anyway. I quess I’d use a little less thick leather next time, because most of the weight is definitely
in the leather. I think I used 2mm thick leather (because that’s what I had), but 1mm would do just fine and save a lot of weight. If anyone wants to know how I made the vintage look, take a look at this video: