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  1. You can send me my money back first. Scammer! To everyone, this person is a scammer - and I got scammed $1000 by him. Working with my bank to get money back. Any moderator here should ban all these emails from accessing this forum. Cant believe i fell for it... Emails and names they use - Pad Cherry <lupodsblumqt2267@gmail.com> PayPal mail: Familyoflove2227@gmail.com Name:Haley Cugtas PayPal mail: ydthwa@hotmail.com Phone number he usess - (385) 423-4190 PayPal mail: mwangnaxv@gmail.com Name:Nancy Nwangi
  2. You can send me my money back first. Scammer!
  3. Looking to buy a COBRA Class 14 Leather Splitter. Message me if you have one sitting around.
  4. Splitter sold. Thank you,
  5. Messaged you.
  6. I have a 10 inch wide Chase pattern splitter that I’m selling. Bought it from Bruce a few years ago for $550 plus shipping. Asking $400 plus shipping. Located near Portland OR. Pickup welcome. More photos/videos of it in action - https://imgur.com/a/wyjzTPJ
  7. I’ll buy the lot if you ship it. I’ll pay for shipping cost to OR 97062. Pm me or email me at tossik@gmail.com
  8. Thanks for all the replies! I will be able to take a look at them both in about a week or two (the seller is traveling at the moment). If all goes well, I might pick up the newer one. Hopefully it will serve me well as a medium duty machine before I pick up a 441 close or such...
  9. So if it is a 4 way then it is a good purchase at $800 or should I pass and get something else? which of the two is a better bet?
  10. I have a chance to pickup one of these Pfaff 335 machines locally for $800 for one. Are these any good for leather/canvas work? I currently have a Juki DNU-241HS flatbed, and I am also in the market for a heavy duty 441 clone or similar. Will this machine be a good middle duty machine? I mainly do small wallet/accessories and will be expanding into bags/satchels more once i get a 441 type machine. Anyone have any experience with either of these, where they can recommend one or the other? PFAFF 335-901-1935-002/005 Pfaff 335-G-H3
  11. Few pictures of the machine. Happy to send video of it working also
  12. Selling my 10 Chase Splitter I purchased from Bruce a few years ago. Photo of actual item. I can add more photos/videos if interested. In excellent condition and super sharp blade. Asking $500 shipping included (domestic).
  13. is it 100% cotton webbing?
  14. Where in Canada? send a photo to tossik@gmail.com?
  15. 20 ton still there? Price?
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