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  1. http://donektools.com look at the video there is one of cutting leather. I have yet to by the knife but they are very well regarded on the shopbot forum. I have no interest in debating the ethics of cnc. I own a shopbot & love it I have yet to combine it with my new interest in leatherwork. Programming today is a snap the preferred product today is Aspire or Vcarve Pro and they have plugins that work with drag knifes.
  2. Really nice work! Please post picture of blades as you make them. I would be happy to buy some blades when you are happy with the design. I am wondering where you bought the pin vice?
  3. Thanks Dave, you are correct. The center image is our logo at work and they were cut using dies I had made for our schools. They use them mostly for paper and stickers but I thought I could have some fun.
  4. I had something like this in mind when I started working with leather. This is about my fourth project I plan to use it every day.
  5. WOW! all I can say is wow. The level of design, detail and the execution are amazing. I am not sure if the fact that this is your first case is inspiring or depressing. Thank you for sharing.
  6. Very classic design. Any advise to a rookie who would like to make one for them self?
  7. I was wondering where you got the collets? I am really much more of a wood worker and would like to make my own handles. Thank you,
  8. Really beautiful work! The functional practical design really enhance this piece. It is a great inspiration for those of us beginning the journey. Thank you for sharing.
  9. Great work it is nice to see motorcycle accessories that focus on subtle quality vs "art".
  10. WOW Thanks for posting. Work like this is the inspiration that those of us beginning this craft aspire to. WOW
  11. Being very new to leather work this is my second project. I started this by buying a wallet kit from Tandy, the problem was it looked like a kit and I did not think I would learn much so I built one from scratch. There a lots of flaws and I learned a lot. Constructive criticism is apriciated.
  12. I have been lurking here for a while collecting tools and getting ready for my first project. I am reasonably happy for a first attempt. I learned a lot and feel confident that things will improve with practice. Dan Vancouver Island, BC Canada
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