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Posts posted by Halitech

  1. after closer examination (with my glasses off) it seems what I was seeing as a second set of holes is actually a small gap between the leather of the seat and where the lacing is crisscrossing over the edge of the 2 layers of the seat.

    I've got Lacing and Stitching for Leathercraft and it is explained in there so I think I should be good to go. Thanks everyone for the help :)

  2. Hello

    I've been asked to do some repairs on an old 3 legged stool (the type that folds up and the legs come off) as the leather is badly damaged where the legs go in. I'd like to redo the entire thing by taking it apart, cleaning what leather can be kept, and just replacing what absolutely needs to be replaced as it has a very high sentimental value (was made by her dad who passed away when she was very young) but I'm lost on the type of lacing that was used to put the tops and corner pieces together. I've got a couple of shots of the lacing so if anyone can help me out it would be appreciated. From what I can tell there are 2 sets of holes, one close to the edge and one about about 3/4" from the edge.

    The first pic is from the top side, the second is from the bottom if that helps any



  3. So, I was commissioned to make a "commuter bag" for a friend that will carry her lunch bag, a travel mug and a book. She's just started taking the bus instead of her car and didn't want to carry multiple bags on the bus

    First picture is a bristol board mock up (I find it easier to have a template to work from then trying to cut things with just a ruler and square) This allowed me to lay everything out on the leather as well so I didn't waste or have to buy extra

    2nd and 3rd pics are the carving work done for the end pieces

    I used a single layer of resist on the moon and parts of the horse shoes to prevent the dye from sinking in when I dyed it

    4th pic is the custom artwork done on the front

    Will post more as I put it together





  4. Had a friend ask me if I could turn a jacket into a carryall/overnight bag

    This is what I started with

    After breaking it down into a bunch of parts including taking the lining out, shortening the zipper and making some edging, I put things back together to come up with this.

    Everything except the handle is made from parts of the original jacket

    Also decided to remove the red flap when I added the edging around the zipper. The pic shows it with the clamps while it was still drying




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