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Posts posted by Halitech

  1. stitching itself looks good other then getting a little close to the edge at the top left corner (current image orientation). Maybe try cutting and leveling your edges before you cut your stitching groove. Form looks good and the dye job looks good. Can't see much of the edge but what is showing looks nice and smooth.

    Is it just a pocket sheath or is there a belt loop on the back?

  2. Looks pretty good. Looks like you got a nice burnish on your edges. Stitching is a bit rough in places as you mentioned. Only thing I might have done different is made the back a bit higher so the tool was resting on it and then cut the front down to allow easier access just so the top of the tool isn't digging into your side. Would also allow you to have the case sitting lower on the belt.

  3. Overall it looks good. I do see a few of the edge holes are out of line but mostly pretty good.

    something to keep in mind is the size (radius) of the actual snap as that will affect the snapped length. A size 16 snap (female end) has a radius of 3/8" so if you go 9" on a 8.5" wrist, it only leaves 1/8" free play. So unless your measurement is exact, it probably will be too tight.

    ** feel free to correct my math if I'm off

  4. Tubes? Go to the hardware store that sells cement stuff and has a lumberyard. They'll have concrete footer tubes for pouring deck footers. 8"-diameter runs about $6-$7 for a four-foot length, 10" around $10. You can put a lot of veg tan in one of those, and they won't collapse under the weight of the leather.

    only problem with those sonatubes is most are coated with some kind of waxy coat which would probably rub off on the leather

  5. I'm moving in a month to a place with a basement that will become my workspace and I'm thinking I'll be doing the same thing. Be nice to be able to have it hanging so you don't have to fight the curl when trying to cut out a piece although I might end up going with just some kind of heavy blanket to cover it for now until funds are a little better

    BTW, . . . main computer is down or I'd show pics, . . . for leather storage in my shop, . . . I just made a stand up box, . . . 4 each 2 x 12's in a box, . . . 4 ft x 8 ft, . . . hinged the front 4 x 8 of OSB, . . . nailed the back piece on, . . . put in some rods, . . . and I have a leather vault, . . . 32 cubic feet, . . . allows all my leather to hang straight (gets rid of most of the curls) and I can just open the door, . . . take quick inventory anytime.

    Beats the devil out of drawers, rolls, boxes, etc. at least IMHO.

    May God bless,


  6. I was thinking there was a method to your madness ;)

    2 layers of 5/6oz would have given you the same thickness but would have been a lot harder to bend around the pin but the 3 thinner layers is a really good idea and really looks great. And it looks like you did skive the one end down a bit where the clasp attaches. I may have to give this a try sometime if I ever get a watch lol

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