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About CanadianGirl

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  • Birthday 01/01/1986

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    I am just starting out.
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  1. I don't have any work up yet, I am still a beginner. I have done a few belts, small wallets not too much lol. Thanks for the friend request!
  2. I am from Langley, bc. I found this! Hope it helps http://www.tias.com/173/PictPage/3923804911.html Rkjw where are you from? Never mind I see lol I was on my phone it doesn't say location.
  3. But some of the non dyed parts are on the front of the belt as well... I was going use black edge coat on the sides so not too worried about the dye there.
  4. Thank you very much! Is there anything you would suggest to save this belt? Don't get me wrong I kinda like the look, looks a little aged. But I know the person I am making this belt for won't like it.
  5. Ok so for the past three or so projects (dog collars, now this belt) the dye is not taking very well in a few spots. This example is dip dyed, I beveled the edges, sanded then slicked them with fiebings saddle soap and water. Before dyeing I clean the leather, I have tried with just water and this belt I cleaned it with alcohol (50%). I have always done it the same way and I have not had this problem. Any ideas/suggestions? Thank you so much.
  6. Thank you for the suggestions! Does Bruce have a website? I've found it! Thank you everyone
  7. Thank you guys! I woulda bought them lol
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