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Posts posted by TexasJack

  1. Leather is about the only gun-related item not being crushed by the current panic. I went to a gun show last week and was astonished at how everything was getting picked up at skyrocketing prices - I mean even cleaning supplies! I did see someone selling belts for $80 that could probably be purchased at WalMart for $10, but they didn't seem to have a lot of customers. Semiauto gun prices have doubled and tripled; Ammo prices are at least double. Dealers don't have much of either and were just taking orders.

    Last time we had this panic (2008), it lasted until people ran out of money. With the current economy (and with the absolutely worthless Congress in Washington), that shouldn't take long.

    I don't mind the idea of putting all the idiots in the country in one place, but I do object to putting them in charge of running the government.

    As for me, I've already seceded and am just waiting for the rest of Texas to catch up.

  2. This is not an uncommon complaint and I think everyone has gone through it at one time or another.

    The idea that the awl must be sharp cannot be over-emphasized. Once it's sharp, it's surprising how easily it will go through leather. (Not surprising, it can also go through your hand or finger pretty quickly, too!!)

    Someone on here (and I'm sorry but I keep losing the link to that post) posted a picture of a piece of beeswax wrapped in copper wire that they use to hold the leather flat behind the point you are making with the awl. The leather stays flat and the awl gets some fresh wax once it goes through. It might be worth your while to give that a try.

  3. Glad you could join in, Sam. If you search around here, you'll find plenty of members from the Lone Star!

    If I might make a suggestion: on forums like this, using capital letters means you're trying to emphasize something - essentially yelling. Kinda like I might say, HEY SAM, QUIT USING ALL CAP!!!

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