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About Thelovingheritage

  • Birthday 03/18/1981

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cameron, Illinois
  • Interests
    Leather craft, banjo, horses, cowboy action shooting

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Hat bands?
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything leather including Sheridan style tooling
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I was waiting for that comment my mother wasn't happy with my color choice either but I figured since I was going to be using it instead of displaying it that a lighter color would help with visibility so I chose industrial gray.
  2. Rooster cogburn ie. John Wayne? Also kinda looks like Jim belushi
  3. I picked this sewing machine up at an auction and it has potential to have history with my family, the gentleman that brought it in dug it out of the attic of his parents old general store, which was next door to my grandparents on my fathers side, who ran a shoe repair shop. I haven't been able to confirm that it belonged to them but it's interesting none the less.
  4. I'm a newbie myself but I thought I should chime in on the holster your stitch spacing seems a little off at the bottom compared to the sides do you have an over stitch wheel? I have no room to talk I'm still learning too my stitching is awful.
  5. I live forty minutes north of Peoria off of 74 any where near you?
  6. I was reading through this post and noticed someone said they're originally from Galesburg any chance there's other that would be willing to give one on one advice.
  7. Does anyone have a guitar strap pattern, either a paper copy I could buy or a digital would be ok as well.
  8. A spreadsheet template would be awesome.
  9. Thanks for the links they were very helpful
  10. Has anyone seen this book and know where I can get a copy? Amazon has none. http://www.amazon.com/Ann-Stohlman-Personal-Patterns-Portfolio/dp/B000M1BJ3E/ref=sr_1_22?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1389311011&sr=1-22&keywords=al+stohlman
  11. Do I dye my leather before or after tooling? I've been dying after is this right?
  12. How do I price my crafts for sale what do people usually charge per hour of work as well?
  13. Do you have any of tegus craft aides left? I would be interested if you do
  14. This is my first big project I'm using oak leaves and acorn pattern from Tony Laeir sp? A fleur de lis and some scroll work I found on Google images I spent all day drawing and redrawing this. Tomorrow weather permitting I am heading to Tandy to pick up some leather (suggestions please) and a dye pack. Update on this I decided to eliminate the filigree underneath the oval, and put a half inch between the design and the name.
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