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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rain shadow of the Cascades
  • Interests
    Mostly interested in old stuff. Cars, antiques, wine and friends. I do my best to collect them.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Decorative tooled

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  1. I like the notebook idea and the website shows good options too. I did find it humorous that the website notes that they are made to order, cost 500-600 dollars and if you want your initials added- that'll cost another dollar.
  2. Nice. I'm getting ready to make a horizontal cross draw one for an NAA
  3. Thanks- I'll give that a go!
  4. Thanks Jeff- I know I could do a hip one or just a pouch to keep it in but I'm unclear on a couple things about the iwb. Mostly the way it is held in place- clips or some type of up-n-over belt loops? Also the pictures I've seen look to be kinda "spread out" and not the folded over cowboy style I'm used to. I'll do some more trials with heavy paper but would still accept a pattern if anyone is sharing. Thanks again- Greg
  5. I'm looking to do an iwb style for an AMT backup. Anyone have a pattern I could use. I believe I could rescale and adjust it if I find one for a different model but I don't think I could make the pattern from scratch myself (yet). Thanks a bunch folks - Greg
  6. Perfect! Thanks JLS. That's exactly the kinda thing I wasn't sure about.
  7. I need to add a spacer strip on the edge of a cowboy style holster. My Stohlman book shows how but I'm wondering if it matters what leather I use for it? I have some thick pieces of non veg tan that I will use if it doesn't make a difference. Not really an big deal but it'd let me use up some of this bag of junk that I bought (but shouldn't have..) Thanks - Greg
  8. I read through the entire 137 page Eleonore Bang amateur file. Lots of interesting stuff. My wife may disagree that leather craft is "nearly silent and non-irritating" as a tap and mallet away...
  9. Thanks for the reply. Looks like I have a piece for test samples.
  10. I have a piece of veg tan that is so shaggy on the backside that I'm not sure I even want to use it. Is this a problem from when it was tanned? Should I not worry about it or just move along? Thanks from a noob- Greg
  11. I went to show the page of Baroque carvings to my wife- and it's gone. I sure hope it comes back online..
  12. How long do you keep old (well organized or not ) pieces of leather? I assume it gets too old to use but I found my Dad's scrap bag and I'm wondering if I'm working too hard using old leather compared to new. There's no leather shops in my area to compare.. I also don't want to be wasteful if it's not causing problems. Thanks- Greg
  13. Here's Dad's old box/case. Mostly craftools, and some neat little practice pieces in the drawers along with the some clear plastic letter templates, stains and lacing. There is a bag of leather pieces too. I believe the piece I cut my wallet from is still there. It feel supple, will it be awful to tool or still useable? Is there a timeframe to "use up" leather? I think I'll make a new wallet and try to repair the old one too. My twin boys are excited to learn too. Had to include Dad's cartoon, hidden under the lid.. Thanks again- Greg
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