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Posts posted by LoneWolf1973

  1. OK...in the lot the knives and edgers were in was two books...Lucky Seven and General Leathercraft (school book). Both of these are from 1955 (which I think is awesome). If I would have looked, the Lucky Seven book (by Tandy (original printing)), it showed the second knife and the edgers.

  2. Ok...here I go again...found a few more. I bought a few leather tool lots from ebay and they arrived today. Most of the items are what I knew I was getting and paid for. There are a few items I am questioning though. All in all it was well worth the money though.

    This time I'm using my tablet since I'm in the shed...lol.

    A. I think is a piece of junk.

    B&C. I.m not sure but I think it might be a gouger.

    C. Just showing this off...a few were in a lot and thought they will look good on a purse.





  3. On the first knife...I had to use a magnifying glass but there are words (I think I made out osbourne) but couldn't read them...it is pretty worn. The blade does screw on. On that beveler...I am going to have to look for the set...I hate tooling just to have the extra marks. To me it is ok for some things but others it looks tacky.

    cgleathercraft...it is number 197

    All the craftool's that were in the lot are vintage by comparing to the chart I have. It shows the old tools with the numbers and the new equivalents and they're numbers (407 veiner compared to V407 veiner).

  4. Ok...here I go. I bought a few leather tool lots from ebay and they arrived today. Most of the items are what I knew I was getting and paid for. There are a few items I am questioning though. All in all it was well worth the money though. I am going to have to do this in four posts to get them all.

    J&K. These connect together to make a long plastic rod with picture K being at the end.



  5. Ok...here I go. I bought a few leather tool lots from ebay and they arrived today. Most of the items are what I knew I was getting and paid for. There are a few items I am questioning though. All in all it was well worth the money though. I am going to have to do this in four posts to get them all.

    G. This is some kind of wrench. Reminds me of a chainsaw wrench.

    H&I. These appear to be stamps but they are made of plastic.




  6. Ok...here I go. I bought a few leather tool lots from ebay and they arrived today. Most of the items are what I knew I was getting and paid for. There are a few items I am questioning though. All in all it was well worth the money though. I am going to have to do this in four posts to get them all.

    E. I think I have seen this one as a setter for a type of studs.

    F. I have no idea.



  7. Ok...here I go. I bought a few leather tool lots from ebay and they arrived today. Most of the items are what I knew I was getting and paid for. There are a few items I am questioning though. All in all it was well worth the money though. I am going to have to do this in four posts to get them all.

    A. Two swivel knives...by looking at the way they are designed they look to be old.

    B. I have no clue.

    C. This is a numbered Crafttool beveler but the tool head is different then the one on the tool list I have.

    D. Not sure but these appear to be a type of screwdrivers.





  8. I order almost as much from SLC as I buy at the Tandy store (lol). They can also make 3D stamps pretty reasonable. I used to shop there when they were the Leather Factory. The only thing I have ever had a problem with is their "grab bags". Granted they are about $5 but you might get lucky to get something useful.

  9. Very nice! Remember though, a bigger knob is just a greater chance of snagging your thread. So do it if you need for functionality, but not just 'cause.

    Love the long pieces at the top. My first pony (not the toy!) was hand built but I based it on the $80 one that Tandy sells. I found it too narrow at the top. My "fix" was to use a couple thin strips of wood or plastic to extend the length when working on a belt or whatever.

    The other thing that comes up is angle. Incorporating a way for the uprights to rotate is handy sometimes.

    Anyways, nice work!

    I have posted plans on this site to make one. As Tugadude said about the rotation, on those plans it showed at the base making the upright actually connected solid and taking a base below them with a bolt all the way thru so it can rotate. I will post those plans here and maybe you can use some of the ideas.

    I built me one and I love it.

    Leather Stitching pony english.rtf








  10. This is a wallet I finished yesterday. I hate using dye...ain't to good at it. But I think the rest came out good. Give me some critique please.

    These pics are from the carved product thru the finished product. I did use a template for the eagles but the background box and the flag are mine. The picture that came with the template had these so I drew them onto the wallet.






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