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Posts posted by LoneWolf1973

  1. I know it ain't much but I made a few of these from scraps. Awhile back I bought a bag of remnants from hobby lobby and found that the leather was worthless (I thought). I threw the bag in a box. Just recently I needed some liners for some projects (the notebook cover and cell phone case I posted recently) and it got me to dig that bag out. Since then I have found a few uses for it. Tinkering around last night I decided to try to make this with it.



  2. In a book mentioned in another thread which I have, they had a pattern on making a business card holder. I made it to the size specifications that were given (in the book the pictures are not to scale). When I started I thought it would be big enough for ID cards and such but it wasn't. I realized that after I had everything cut so I finished it. My opinion I have to work on cutting interiors but I think the rest came out good. The POW stamp was custom made by springfield leather and as soon as I can I am ordering another custom stamp from them. I don't mean to sound like an ad but I paid about $65 for it when tandy wanted $300.





  3. I made this for my wife. I had no pattern, most of it was guess work. The roses I found online but the copy wasn't good and I am not good at painting (lol). I am aware of mistakes I made...things I can change or tweak next time...but please, let me know different things I can do to improve the design. Like I said, I know some of the things that need to change on this design but having people that know the art better look at this will be a big help. Thanks. Oh...and that pouch on front (which is crooked) is a holder for pens.





  4. My dad passed away in 2010. I have had a box of stuff from his house I haven't been able to go thru. Tonight I finally did and I found this eagle I had done for him when I was a teenager back in the 80's. I know it ain't great but being a kid when I did this and the fact my dad had kept it all these years I think is awesome. You can't really see the name on it but it is SkyHawk which was his CB handle.


  5. I had found this one thread on a koozie but I made a pattern off the measurements and they didn't seem to work out (good idea though). So, I went to the drawing board and made one. It is a simple design that had to make a few mods in construction but I finally got one that I liked. I used a Craftaid for a wallet for the image on it. This is the biggest tooling project I have done in 30 years, since I got back into leather last year, and I found arthritis plays a big part (lol). Anyways, let me know what you think. I like it but if you see something that can be improved when I do another, please say so. I can take advice (lol).

    Also, I saw a thread on taking jewelry off and trimming your nails to prevent marks on your leather. Thank you. Also, like I had said on that thread, make sure your board underneath your project is clean as even the slightest things could show thru your leather. And another thread about casing leather, thank you, I was taught how to do that wrong. The article about casing made a big difference.






  6. Might sound stupid but another issue I have to watch for it debris under my leather. Small things like where you've trimmed, punched holes, about anything. They show up so I make sure my board is clean before I start. Something else I didn't think of was my bracelet...thank you for pointing that out as a factor.

  7. Here are five flag holders that I was asked to make for the vet organization I am part of. I could not find a pattern for it so I had this book of old patterns and I happen to be flipping thru it. I came across one for a surf rod holder. Well, I got to thinking, made a paper pattern, made a few modifications, and came with one that seemed to work. I made one and took it to show our commander, who didn't know I was doing this and ours were worn out, and he couldn't believe it. He told me to give him a price and make five of them. I actually took a loss on them. Since they were for vets I only charged materials.



  8. I made the bifold wallet....came out better than I expected since I used mainly scrap leather. Thanks for the design. I had to hand draw the pattern though using your dimensions. Only problem I am running into is I need to increase the card pockets some because they are extremely tight. But I do already 2 family members asking me to make them.



  9. I know this is an older post but I found the idea for a tool rack on a site (can't remember what one). I made one and it works great. You need a wooden knife block, if you don't have one check thrift shops and yard sales (I paid $2 for one). I drew a pattern of where I wanted my tools located on paper and then taped it to the top (flat side) of the block. Then took a drill with a wood bit and drilled the holes. Just make sure you use the right size bit for the size of the tool and leave a little spacing for stability. I hope this helps. If someone wants I will post a picture of mine as an example.

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