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Posts posted by Johanna

  1. There is no leatherworker.mp3 I suspect some random file borrowed the name.

    We recently did some updates on the forum, and there are a number of clean up routines the system runs in the background afterwards when the forum isn't busy. What Fredk witnessed was the databases restoring themselves. They are being cleaned automatically of orphan pics and posts. This is just maintenance. You may notice a few anomalies over while the databases run their programs, but it will straighten itself out soon. Keep the comments and updates coming! I depend on you folks to alert me to problems before they get out of hand. LW has grown to huge chunk on the Internet, and I can't watch all of it at once. Members that care are the only way I can stay on top of it. Thank you!

    PS Mikesc- have not forgotten you. Getting some info so I can ask the right questions and give you the relevant info. Your assistance has been invaluable. >smooch<

  2. The forum software people added a line to the htaccess file to force people to the new https and that broke the cPanel redirect. The server throws an error of "too many redirects". With the redirect, the forum won't show. Without it, people landing on the main page are seeing the file list instead of the forum. I need smeone smarter than me to write me a working htaccess file. I have IPS on it now. Thanks for your patience everyone!

  3. Battlemunky,

    He arrived in MO yesterday at a large Army base for his MOS training. He said that they (Marines) have to do more PT and dress sharper than their Army peers because, well, you know, they are US MARINES and the difference must be immediately evident or he's in trouble. I love the USMC. They have class, style and they're deadly. Semper Fi!

  4. I don't like to edit posts and threads because i do believe we all have the right to our opinion, however we will not have with hate speech, threats or general trolling on the forum. There is some useful info in this thread, so I left it, but I did remove parts of it. If you see something offensive anywhere on the board, please hit the report button. Be part of the solution instead of the problem. Thank you for your cooperation!

  5. This week I'm going to pick up my Marine from Parris Island for his short leave before combat school. Bear with me if I'm slow with my messages, please. I'm 2 sleeps from my 758 mile trip to get this kid I've missed for 13 weeks. His dad went to PI in 1968, and he'd be so pleased with this kid now.  I've never met a Marine who wasn't proud to be one. I would love to hear your military stories. God bless our veterans.


  6. Craftaids are a good place to start. After you've developed a feel for the leather and your tools, like Mike said, you can carve an original piece. If Kathy reads this post she will think "Huh?" and wonder if you're okay, JLS. I don't know what it is exactly, but I feel like you're picking at Mike, and I don't know why. Both of you have spent many hours helping others, so you share the same objective. Please be mindful that we are all friends here, and there is no need to go out of the way to be rude.

    Charging for lessons: The old man I learned from explained that any time away from the bench cost us money. He could carve a good pic of your sailboat or girlfriend and that's how he made his money. His leatherwork was personal. I learned everything at his elbow trying to do things so he could do what only he could do, carve leather his style and the customer's way. No one is getting rich selling lessons except maybe Tandy. The lessons being offered now by Elktracks and Learnleather.com are state of the art, and expenses have to be paid. It's a fair trade, IMO, and it's helping people. Video technology has made huge strides, and most of us can understand it better when we see it, rather than read it. Most of us learned by the standard of the father of leatherwork, Al Stohlman. He was the one that wrote the books, he wasn't the best leatherworker in the world necessarily. History is always made by those who write the books. 

    PS Mike, FB is holding LW's posts and shares hostage, so as an experiment I "boosted" the promo Dave made. For whatever reason they aren't showing it outside the US. I'm annoyed with FB because they want us to use them to crosslink, but they want to charge me money to share info that interests a lot of people. I'll keep you posted.


  7. Go to a monument (gravestone) company. Out back they have a pile of stones that are chipped or have the wrong engraving, or some reason they were discarded. Often as not, they'll let you have a piece for free if you tell them what you what the stone for. Take a strong friend if you want a heavy thick piece.

  8. Learnleather.com is the most convenient source of videos for serious leatherworkers. If you attend the class you can ask questions in real time, but either way, you can watch the video, start, rewind and pause, over and over again. The teachers are masters of their style and they patiently guide you through whatever the lesson is. If you don't see what you're interested in, ask. They will find a pro and set up a class. Most leatherworkers are willing to share their ideas and techniques because they know no one can steal their imaginations, which the lack of is the only thing that will ever limit your progress.  

  9. The old man never soaked his leather or put it in the fridge or buried a dead cat and walked counterclockwise circles around it. He spritzed it with water evenly every time he went to work on a piece. That's it. Simple. (He did prefer distilled water, but if he was carving most of it he didn't care). I was astounded when I first learned there were 47 ways to case leather and no one will ever agree. Bob Beard is still making tools, but get your order in soon. He's usually working at least a year out.


  10. This is exactly the place to solicit work like this and if you aren't interested in taking jobs like this, move on. Some people are interested, and that is why this section exists- to help link up people who want something made with someone who can make it for them. Thank you for your understanding.


  11. IPB discontinued the chat software with no notice or explanation for all their customers. The word is that there was an exploit in it that they couldn't patch or fix. I'm getting a third-party chat software like we had in the old old days, but I want to make sure the new software is safe and works properly. Give me a day or two and we'll be back in chat, then I will need you guys to help me make sure everything is working properly and do whatever tweaks we need. Thanks!


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