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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. Sheridan Leather Outfitters is throwing a party tonight! Sheridan is soooo much fun!

  2. Just a note to myself that i'm caught up with public and private requests. Just let me know if you want access. Johanna
  3. Hope to see you in Sheridan!

  4. My sister graduated from nursing school tonight!

    1. CarvedOn


      Congratulations and bless her for her career choice!

    2. CarvedOn


      Congratulations and bless her for her career choice!

  5. I would love to join you again, if you'll have me. Johanna
  6. Barry King makes great tools at affordable prices, you don't have to wait a year to get them, and he's a really nice guy. Please please tell Barry that you appreciate him helping to sponsor LW. We couldn't pay our bills without the companies you see the banners for, and we are grateful for them all. ~J
  7. Guys, I love all of you, and I am closing this topic for everyone's benefit. I wish people would stop posting "which machine is best?" topics and post "I want to do this and that, what will work best for me?" You guys all know your stuff, and we're grateful you share your insight and knowledge. Let's keep our discussions relevant and useful, and not make a circus out of leatherworker.net. People come here because they want to know something, not because they want to trigger landmines. Johanna
  8. The "except for the snake" remark went too far. If this conversation degenerates further, I will close this thread. Johanna Admin
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