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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. The Artisan, Cowboy and Cobra will do what you need, and all three have excellent customer service. I suggest calling the dealers and talking to them. You'll get a good idea of the kind of "after-service" you can expect, and they might have other considerations you haven't thought of. Do your homework, and you'll be satisfied with your purchase. Johanna
  2. Okay, I think I'm caught up again! Let mer know if I missed you or you decide you want access to the NSFW area. Thanks! Johanna
  3. Precision Saddle Tree has become one of our sponsors, and I'd like to share with you an article that appeared inShop Talk! Magazine detailing the company and what they do. By the way, Shop Talk! will give a FREE 3 month trial subscription to you if you call and mention leatherworker.net. Shop Talk!'s Precision Saddle Tree Article from PST websiteI didn't know exactly where to post this on the forum, so I put it here because PST is of specific interest to saddle builders. Welcome to LW! Johanna
  4. They are making us leatherworker.net nametags for Sheridan right now! I hope to meet as many of you as I can.

    1. rcsaddles


      Who is making them?

    2. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      I'll be there and I'll look for you.

  5. I can help you with advertising here. Is your business listed in the Directory?

  6. "LTHRLDY" new plates for my Mitzi!

  7. I just ordered some leatherworker.net name tags that we'll have to write our names on, but that should do the trick! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, meeting new folks and smelling all the leather! Less than a month, folks! whoo-hooo!
  8. Anyone else want in the hidden adult area? PM me or post here. I'm caught up again. So far we have 1500+ people with access to the adult section. It's not creepy or kinky, really, but the jokes are horrible. There is some nudity, swear words, and other things you would expect in the "adult leather" genre. We have quite a few BDSM enthusiasts who would like to learn more about making their own toys, restraints and collars and cuffs, and how to do it safely and comfortably. If you do this kind of work, or do some of it on the side, please join in the diiscussions and post pics. This area is not indexed by Google, is not visible unless the member requests it, and is not visible unless logged in. Just let me know if you want access. I think I'm caught up again, but if I missed you, holler. ~J
  9. whoops, I screwed up. Please remind me if I ever inadvertently do that again. I get a lot of mail, and I'm sorry I accidentlally let yours slip through the cracks. No offense was intended at all. ~J

  10. Due to my oversight, this wasn't posted in a timely manner. My apologies to Mr. Bane. If you have questions, please let albane know, ~J AlBaneredcross1.doc
  11. I'll be there- glad you told us the new dates, Denise! I didn't see anything about it in the Journal today. Harvey- can't wait to see you! Thank you for your lovely letter. LW name tags...hmmm... any volunteers? I don't think we need 16,000+, but we'd need quite a few! LOL Maybe everyone should make their own? There are so many of you I want to meet, and lots of others I want to hang out with again! And Kings is an experience not to be missed. Seriously. You could spend days in the museum and not see everything, and the company is wonderful. SLO puts on a good barbque (Tim Klefner, take a bow!) There is so much to do and so many great people- the time seems to go by way too quickly! Johanna
  12. I'm caught up again. If turned on the Adult Area for you, you should see it by the Marketplace section of the main board. If you don't, log out, then back in. Fair warning, jokes are really baaaad. You can only see the NSFW area while logged in. Nothing in there is searchable by Google. If anyone else wants in, reply here or send me a PM. Thanks! Johanna
  13. It's too nice to be inside...but I have work to do. *sigh

    1. LilRay


      Crappy weather here, and no work. Double Whammy.

  14. I'm trying to set up an account with my bank to accept credit and debit cards, and so far they've done everything but demand DNA from my first-born. Thanks for the link- I'm interested, too. Johanna
  15. Tell us about the second picture, please. Pretty mauls. What's the head knife handle made out of? Sweet. Thank you for sharing. Johanna
  16. Only members of participating guilds can compete in the show, but the show is open to anyone to visit or take classes. Hope to see you there! Johanna
  17. “What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.”

    1. FatSmitty


      That's what my dad has always told me, I'm not to succesful yet!

  18. Event Date: 13-October 11 ends 16-October 11 2011 The International Federation of Leather Guilds (IFoLG) will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico from October 13-16, 2011 It's going to be a great party full of fun, learning, meeting old friends and making new ones. We have lots of exciting classes lined up and they will begin Wednesday, October 12. A schedule of classes will be posted very soon at the IILG site If your guild is a member of IFoLG, you may enter your masterpieces in this world-wide competition. And for the first time this year we have added a Motor Cycle Gear and Accessories category. For IFoLG competition categories For competition entry form The hotel Albuquerque Marriott-Uptown has just extended the special show rate of $89 from October 9 to October 19. Call 800-334-2086 and ask for the "2011 Leather Fiesta IILG/IFoLG" group discount rate. Reservations must be made by September 16, 2011. Make some time to explore Albuquerque - you will be pleasantly surprised!! There's lots to do and see in ABQ - ballooning, the longest tram - Sandia tram, casinos, museums, great restaurants... Also, check out this site for more information. For more information, please visit the hosting guild, International Internet Leathercrafters' Guild (IILG)
  19. I just want to mention a valuable resource for boot and shoe makers- the Honourable Cordwainers . They do maintain a library, and have an archive of info. They are great folks and I try to give them a plug when I can. Johanna
  20. They do have an excellent reputation. I would be proud to have their advertising banners on the board, too. Thanks for sharing your good experience, Stephen. Sometimes people are quick to complain when things go wrong, and slow to write about the good stuff. Lots of folks are trying hard every day to please their customers, and they deserve to get noticed too. Johanna
  21. shakygreg- post your questions on the forum so we all can learn please.

  22. Chris & Mijo- I turned on the Adult Area for you. You should see it by the Marketplace section of the main board. If you don't, log out, then back in. Fair warning, jokes are really baaaad. Johanna
  23. Johanna

    Free - Mauls

    Gee, I'm surprised it took a whole 11 minutes for someone to take you up on your generous offer. Something tells me there is a backstory here. Want to PM me? ~J
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