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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. The OP asked which machine was the best choice for him. The conversation certainly went south from there! I see we have a few raw nerves exposed. I got a note from a friend today, and I want to share part of it: We do not see how it is of the interest to potential customers where exactly the machines come from, as long as they work the way they should and deliver solid value to the customer for years to come. What matters most is that the customer gets a good machine, great service and gets the right information about the products they are buying. I believe this is the responsibility of the moderators in the sewing machine forum, regardless of which companies they have personally dealt with or are affiliated with or work for. Please keep a professional factual tone if there is anything left to say on this subject. Threads that are not instructive or constructive are closed. Running with scissors is not permitted here. Thank you all for your cooperation. Johanna
  2. Thanks, Monica! Those who want to help can go to www.redcross.org and donate to Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami. People can also text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. Johanna
  3. Please pray for Japan.

    1. Trox


      I will join you in praying for our Japanese brothers and sisters.

  4. Be patient with me, folks. I've got 250 messages to read and respond to. Thanks everyone for the encouragement! You folks are the best!

  5. I've got a dozen names on the list. This is great for a stay-at-home parent, retired person, under-employed person. You must be able to speak clearly and professionally, and communicate our enthusiasm successfully. Earnings will depend on initiave. If you would like to make friends in leather-land and help your budget, send me a PM with your phone number. We can have more than one person, so please let us know if you are interested. Thanks! Johanna
  6. LW is growing and we need help. Look in announcements. Maybe you can be part of the team?

  7. PMs sent. What we are looking for is people to contact leather and leatherwork product suppliers to show them how a premium LW Directory listing will help them attract new business. The people who visit our site (and the Directory) are right in their target market, so we think that once they understand what's going on, they're going to see our listings as a very good advertising value. We will do all the work of setting up their account, all we need our sales team to is find the businesses who want a listing, collect the first payment, then we set everything up, including making the graphic banners. Once an advertiser's account is active, we will also want the sales team to assist with servicing the account (i.e., answering questions or working with the staff to solve any problems that might come up, etc.). For compensation, we offer a 13% commission on all new listings, and an additional 9% of every renewal. There are also bonuses and promotions in addition to that. We are also planning an introductory promotion to help kick things off. Please send me an email or a PM to get on the list. admin@leatherworker.net THANKS!
  8. Caught up again! If you want access but want privacy, send me a PM. ~J
  9. HELP WANTED! Do you want to earn money selling advertising on the number one site for leatherworkers? Please send me a message by Friday if you are interested in learning the details. Must be online, have a phone and be able to represent leatherworker.net in a friendly professional manner. Serious inquiries only.
  10. Johanna


    Love the natural look on this one. Thanks for sharing your pics- love looking at your work! ~J
  11. Last year a couple of us were asked to fix the IFoLG website and we haven't done it yet. Thank you for the reminder! Johanna
  12. Bird, I could not have said it better myself. Aloha! ~J
  13. I get asked this question a lot, and Art just saved me a bunch of typing. If I had to pick one show to go to, it would be Sheridan. However, the area is certainly not representative of how most Americans live. IFoLG shows are like family reunions, and the location varies year to year. Maybe LW needs to sponsor a show? Hmmm... ~J
  14. I wonder what all that means? Thanks, Jack, he must have removed me from the Siegel Special list. ~J
  15. Reddevil, bwaaa-hahahahahah! Brian, integrity and quality always win out in the long run. I'm with the folks that say starve her for information, or allow her to think her info is correct. And she's not a friend if she's using things she finds out in the course of friendship against people in a business way. Johanna
  16. If you remember anyone who posted to that thread, go to their name, click and on their profile page, on the left under the pic is a drop down menu that will tell you the topics they have posted in or started. Scroll and find the post you are looking for. You can also used the advanced search function. Just choose the keywords or other criteria for the search and the forum will look for the topic. Hope this helps. Johanna
  17. I lost a bunch of mail. Send me a reminder if you haven't heard from me please.

    1. Stewart


      I lost mail also . The I. R. S. reminded me!!!!

      My X wife forgot about me also untill the I.R.S. reminderer her. Mon toled the mthat i took the 401 express off a side rail and was headed due North. guess what? No 401. Ten minutes Late


  18. We are missing yesterday afternoon's and evening's posts. If you registered yesterday, you will need to do it again.

  19. Johanna


    Denise, with a Vista or better computer and good surfing habits, you don't need anything more than a Windows firewall behind a router. If the screen goes dark and the computer asks you for permission to do something, ask yourself if you initiated this action? If you didn't, tell it "no". If the computer is XP, I would update the OS or buy an Internet Security software from one of the big guys, like Symantec, that updates regularly. Always burn a recovery DVD for a new computer, and do regular backups. Then anything can happen and you don't need to care. Johanna
  20. Okay everyone, please simmer down. This discussion is done. Closing this thread. Johanna
  21. Help yourself to the warm brownies by the coffee pot.

    1. Spinner


      pssst...you have a message ^

  22. Bar C, Please don't fret about this post. You followed all the rules, and scratched the proverbial "tip of the iceberg". There is a lot more to this saga than just this post, but I don't want to hang the man's dirty laundry up for everyone to see. He knows where the problem in his business is, and it will take satisfying one-customer-at-a-time to regain his good reputation in the leather business. Yes, losing a sponsor hurts, but we would not have been able to accept Siegel's advertising anyway, not with all the customer service complaints we've receieved. Johanna PS Thanks FERG!
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