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Status Replies posted by broncobuster

  1. How can I find the magazine "make with leather

    1. broncobuster


      on ebay those are old magazines

  2. Revamping the business. Good thing I hadn't progressed much, this is already exhausting!

    1. broncobuster


      im doing that to trying to figure which way to go

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Sign in a leather shop: "I can make anything with enough of my time and enough of your money!"

  4. Some people should learn how to spell / and / or use spell check. Especially if you are going to criticize someone elses work.......Also, if it isn't constructive criticism, then you should keep it to yourself!!

  5. Some people should learn how to spell / and / or use spell check. Especially if you are going to criticize someone elses work.......Also, if it isn't constructive criticism, then you should keep it to yourself!!

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