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Everything posted by broncobuster

  1. Thanks all. They are kind of fun to make.
  2. The small ones are Aldi's quarter key rings to hold your cart quarter. The bigger ones are for chapstick/lighter holders have you quarter or chapstick or lighter handy. Lots of colors eh for leather n faux leather.
  3. I'm glad to be back. They are dovewing spur straps lol not keyrings lol I had that on my mind n posted something else lol
  4. I haven't been around in a while had a couple heart attacks and an infection n kind of stepped back from Leatherworks a bit. But just starting back into it again. Here's a project.
  5. yup same question lol I'm having withdrawls
  6. another thing that can help is put a little 3 in 1 oil on the teeth to help it slide better. it don't matter how you build anything with a zipper it will have to be taken apart.
  7. use a sewing awl to make holes(like an ice pick) or a hand stitcher.
  8. http://www.texhas.com/texhas__fraternal_conchos heres a place also
  9. when ya do only one or two a year ya don't remember from one to another lol.
  10. heres a holster I did for an order I don't do to many holsters. but customer likes it that's all that counts.
  11. heres a holster I did for an order I don't do to many holsters. but customer likes it that's all that counts.
  12. heres a holster I did for an order I don't do to many holsters. but customer likes it that's all that counts.
  13. broncobuster


    heres some ornaments I did for an exchange been a while since ive done much tooling. hopefully everyone likes them.
  14. it sure is just like all the other ones to--basketweave, geometrics etc lol practice practice if ya look close you can see my mess up lol.
  15. tandy. I have like 3 sizes this is smallest one. thanks everyone
  16. I haven't done much stuff for a while so here is a holster I just did for someone. came out ok
  17. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=spat+pattern&qpvt=spat+pattern&qpvt=spat+pattern&qpvt=spat+pattern&FORM=IGRE
  18. welcome to leatherworker feel free to post pictures!! we all like pics n progress!
  19. this place has a couple templates but you can design your own they will make a template for you. http://www.ebay.com/itm/SPUR-STRAP-TEMPLATE-SET-FOR-LEATHER-CRAFTERS-RODEO-SPURS-OR-BIKER-RSSTS-/141900212383
  20. looks very nice. nice job
  21. im having withdrawls lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. leatherisfun


      Check your email only.

    3. Halitech


      blame it on kiwi, I did lol

    4. OffKilterLeather


      Kiwi!! Did you spill beer on the chatroom again??

  22. I cant get the pdf to download for some reason. keep asking me to sign in and i am in.
  23. not working on attachment
  24. thats why i drive myself lol. cant rely on others especially cabs planes trains n buses
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