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Everything posted by broncobuster

  1. really nice coasters going on here. wow.
  2. I watched the thread n its not tight so not sure what it is. still putzing with it. thanks.
  3. you really dont need that much seam allowance. in cloth sewing usually its 3/8 up to 1/2 in. leather wont unravel like cloth so you can sew a smaller seam allowance. one you have sewn seams you can glue down the seam to lay flat that is pull both sides down n glue. another trick i learned also is to take a mallet and pound down the seam before glueing that will help it lay flatter. as to neck to butt you need that way to get the length for the legs if you dont want seams across the front. good luck. Bronc/Bonnie
  4. well a while back I made a pair of rodeo chaps for the little britches rodeo queen. I didnt have the greatest pics. but the customer just sent me a new pic. i love the pic she does good job. well anyways here it is. I think this is my favorite pair so far ive made. and they love them to!!!. Bronc.Bonnie
  5. Well usually i can figure a problem out on my machines. but this one just keeps being a pita n im at witts end. I dont use this machine much but when i do I want it to stictch right. well it will stitch good for a little bit then pulls up the bottom stitch for a couple stitches then stitches good again. ive been working on the tension but seems like the shuttle/bobbin goes loose then its good again. im not sure what to do any more. its a neels machine n i found another person who has one n it does same thing. so anyone got ideas. Bronc/Bonnie
  6. you have a logo or design you plan on using?
  7. facebook. im working on as web page. n etsy but been busy so cant keep up with it. Bronc/Bonnie
  8. Hi Jo I finally am having a website started. was wondering about my cpanel-if I still have one lol. tried going in but cant. i must be doing something wrong again lol. got a web building program so was going to peck at it lol. i also was looking for my old Pm did they go away? summer is slowing a bit now so i can catch up lol. well thank you talk to u soon Bonnie Name: Bonnie/broncobuster UserName: broncobuster IP Address: Email Address: barbkhide@hotmail.com
  9. LOL cant fool a long time leathercrafter lol. most of us know all the kits n patterns they offered threw the years. must be a young un at the tandy store lol. Bronc
  10. I was sent a leter from weaver a few months ago and was told that if I donr spend a $1000 thru the year they will discontinue me as a wholesaler. so they are getting very picky. Bronc
  11. you can decorate the conchos with crystals yourself. get flat backed crystals glue em on with 6000 glue or epoxy. otherwise there is Trigg Leather they have oodles of conchos n stuff. Bronc
  12. I believe I have that pattern but its not for sale. if I get a chance Ill see if I can get it copied. Bronc
  13. Nice job. sometimes its nice to do a simple project. less work. lol!! Bronc
  14. give me a holler 715-669-3272 Bronc
  15. could you take a pic of the machine so i can see whats going on? does it have a motor? i have 41/2 of them lol so i work on them a lot lol. Bronc
  16. heres the back of the chaps. tooling ok but was kinda rushed on these. they are filigreed yoke with the white chap showing threw. and the lacining isnt the way it supose to be either they wanted to be able to adjust easy for different girls. and a pic of the lettering i cut by hand.
  17. i used a metal straight edge or small square and a rotary blade. just measure n cut with blade. I eyeball pretty close been cutting them this way for years.. the jerry stripper dont work so great.
  18. I made these for litte britches rodeo queen. i work on them n delivered them. finished the morning of the rodeo. yikes close. i didnt get pics but this is what i got from them so far. there white with red n blue metallic. tooled n fligreed yokes with stamped back plate with "queen" they loved them.
  19. Ah the yesterday people. lol
  20. nice job. looks like a challenging job but turned out good. they are different. Bronc
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